GLO may refer to

* Gloucestershire Airport - IATA airport code GLO
* Glossop railway station, England - National Rail station code GLO
* Group Litigation Order - a legal procedure in England and Wales
* Glo - an album by the band Delirious?
* Glo - a girl band formed by Haley Giraldo
* Glo worm - a stuffed toy
* The General Land Office, a former agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
* Glo Friends - "glow-in-the-dark" toys
* USAT Liberty Glo - a transport ship
* 3267 Glo - asteroid discovered by Glo Helin
* Day-Glo - a brand of blacklight paint
* The Glo-glo - a song in the musical "Perchance to Dream"
* Greek Letter Organization - a fraternity or sorority that uses Greek letters in its name
* Gol Transportes Aéreos

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  • Glo — álbum de estudio de Delirious? Publicación 29 de julio de 2000 Grabación Clarion Studios Género(s) Rock Duración 71:44 …   Wikipedia Español

  • glo´ri|fi´er — glo|ri|fy «GLR uh fy, GLOHR », transitive verb, fied, fy|ing. 1. to give glory to; make glorious: »to glorify a hero or a saint. 2. to praise; honor; worship: »We sing hymns to glorify God. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • glo|ri|fy — «GLR uh fy, GLOHR », transitive verb, fied, fy|ing. 1. to give glory to; make glorious: »to glorify a hero or a saint. 2. to praise; honor; worship: »We sing hymns to glorify God. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • glȍđva — ž bot. breskva koja se ne može kalati (nego se glođe), opr. kalanka …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • Glo|ri|a — «GLR ee uh, GLOHR », noun. 1. a) a song of praise to God. b) the music for it. 2. a halo; aureole. 3. an ornament in imitation of this. 4. a fabric made of silk and some other material, used especially for umbrellas. ╂[< Latin glōria glory] Gl …   Useful english dictionary

  • glo|ri|a — «GLR ee uh, GLOHR », noun. 1. a) a song of praise to God. b) the music for it. 2. a halo; aureole. 3. an ornament in imitation of this. 4. a fabric made of silk and some other material, used especially for umbrellas. ╂[< Latin glōria glory] Gl …   Useful english dictionary

  • glȍg — m 〈N mn glògovi〉 bot. grmovito drvo (Crataegus) iz porodice ruža (Rosaceae); prema narodnom vjerovanju smatra se kultnim drvetom što ima zaštitnu moć …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • glȍsa — ž 〈G mn glôsā〉 1. {{001f}}objašnjenje uz neki tekst, napomena uz tekst 2. {{001f}}jez. knjiž. pjesma od četiri strofe, posljednji stihovi, kad se čitaju jedan za drugim, daju novu strofu 3. {{001f}}kratak i žustar novinski polemički komentar ✧… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • glȍt — m reg. glatka meka pamučna tkanina, najčešće crne boje, upotrebljava se za izradu kuta, pregača i sl. ✧ {{001f}}njem …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

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