

"This article is about the Roman family. For the genus of diving beetles, see Acilius (genus)"

Acilius (fem. Acilia) was the nomen of the "gens Acilia", a patrician family of ancient Rome. Branches of the family included the Acilii Aviola, the Acilii Balbi and the Acilii Glabrionesthe last two were of plebeian descent, since many of them became tribune of the plebs.

A tomb of the Acilii Glabriones was found in Rome in 1888. The Glabriones also had a garden, the "Horti Aciliorum", on the Pincian Hill in the 2nd century.

* Manius Acilius Glabrio, consul in 191 BC, winner of the battle of Thermopylae;
* Gaius Acilius, senator, around 155 BC
* Manius Acilius Aviola
* Manius Acilius Balbus, two consuls, in 150 BC and 114 BC;
* Manius Acilius Faustinus
* Manius Acilius Glabrio, statesmen, around 70 BC
* Manius Acilius Rufus
* Manius Acilius Severus


* In biology, "Acilius" is a genus of water beetle (Dytiscidae).

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