Battle of the Teutoburg Forest — Part of the Roman Germanic wars Cenotaph of Marcus Caelius, 1st … Wikipedia
Battle of Bibracte — Infobox Military Conflict caption= conflict=Battle of Bibracte partof=the Gallic Wars date=58 BC place=Saône et Loire, France result=Roman victory, Helvetii Surrender combatant1=Roman Republic combatant2=Mainly Helvetii, Boii, Tulingi, Rauraci… … Wikipedia
Battle of Alesia — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of Alesia partof=the Gallic Wars caption=A reconstructed section of the Alesia investment fortifications date=September 52 BC place= Alise Sainte Reine (France) casus= territory= result=Decisive Roman… … Wikipedia
List of battles before 601 — List of battles: before 601 601 1400 1401 1800 1801 1900 1901 2000 2001 current See also: List of Roman battles Before 500 BC5th century BC4th century BC*398 BC Siege of Motya Phoenician city Motya sacked. *397 BC Battle of Messene Ionian Greek… … Wikipedia
List of Roman battles — The following is a list of Roman Battles fought by the Roman Kingdom, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, and sometimes the Byzantine Empire, organized by date. The list is not exhaustive. For the complete list see List of battles, for other… … Wikipedia
Список сражений Древнего Рима — Это служебн … Википедия
Germanic Wars — The Germanic Wars is a name given to a series of Wars between the Romans and various Germanic tribes between 113 BC and 439 A.D. The nature of these wars varied through time between Roman conquest, Germanic uprisings and later Germanic invasions… … Wikipedia
Alamanni — The Alamanni, Allemanni, or Alemanni were originally an alliance of Germanic tribes located around the upper Main river (Germany). One of the earliest references to them is the cognomen Alamannicus assumed by Caracalla, who ruled the Roman Empire … Wikipedia
Constantius Chlorus — Constantius I 54th Emperor of the Roman Empire Reign 293–305 (as Caesar with Maximian); 305–306 (as August … Wikipedia
Helvetii — The Helvetii were a Celtic tribe and the main occupants of the Swiss plateau in the 1st century BC. They are prominently featured in Julius Caesar’s commentaries on the Gallic War. The Neolatin title of Switzerland, Confoederatio Helvetica… … Wikipedia