Asteroid M

Asteroid M

Infobox comics location

caption=Asteroid M, from "X-Men" vol. 2, #-1 (July 1997). Art by Carlos Pacheco.
publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="X-Men" #5 (May 1964)
creators=Stan Lee
Jack Kirby
subcat=Marvel Comics

Asteroid M is the name of several fictional settings, each an asteroid converted by the mutant Magneto into his home/orbiting base, in the Marvel Comics Universe. It was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, in "X-Men" #5 (May 1964).


Asteroid M has been destroyed and reconstructed by the Master of Magnetism many times since it was first introduced. Each iteration has had several internal levels, including an observation deck, hangar bays and medical facilities. The various facilities have had technology that keep the asteroid concealed from standard detection technology. They have all been positioned in geosynchronous orbit.

First version

Magneto completes construction on Asteroid M just before recruiting his children, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch into his group, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, as seen in "X-Men" vol. 2, -1 (July, 1997). This first version is destroyed in a battle with the original team of X-Men in "X-Men" #5 (May, 1964).

econd version

Asteroid M is reconstructed just after Magneto imprisons the X-Men in his Antarctic citadel, reducing them to the level of six-month-old babies, around the time of "X-Men" #113 (September, 1978).

The space station is severely damaged when Warlock, an alien being from a techno-organic civilization with rigid rules and regulations, is fleeing to Earth. He collides with Asteroid M, breaking it to pieces, as seen in "New Mutants", Vol. 1, #21 (November, 1984).

Third version

During his brief association with the Hellfire Club, Magneto builds a fancier version of Asteroid M. Wanting a contingency plan if things don't work out with the Club, Magneto proceeds to rebuild his base of operations to survey the Earth from high above. From there, he hears of the troubles of his daughter, the Scarlet Witch. He descends to Earth to bring her back to his space station. This version was first seen in "Avengers West Coast" #57 (April, 1990).

When the West Coast Avengers attack Asteroid M to free their team-mate, we learn that Magneto has service robots on the station. The service robots are instrumental in alerting Magneto to the presence of the Wasp on his base. Furthermore, we learn that the entire asteroid isn't made out of metallic objects. Quicksilver demonstrates this when he rips plastic tubing out of one the consoles.

After events involving Zaladane, in the Savage Land, Magneto returns to Asteroid M to live in peace, but his peace doesn't last very long. Acolytes, led originally by Fabian Cortez, request and are granted sanctuary by Magneto on Asteroid M, to escape American soldiers that are chasing them.

In "X-Men", vol. 2, #1 (October, 1991), it is stated that the asteroid is in geosynchronous orbit and 250 kilometers above the Earth (geosynchronous orbit is actually much farther from Earth than this; in all likelihood it was being magnetically levitated at that altitude by Magneto through the use of his mutant power). The asteroid also has selective inhibitor fields that may keep mutants or superhumans from using their powers. This version of the asteroid has medical and science facilities, an observation deck, sleeping quarters, and a swimming pool.

This third version of Asteroid M is destroyed in "X-Men" vol. 2, #3 (December, 1991). From an escape pod, Cortez sets off nuclear missiles that were around the asteroid. Although Magneto survives the re-entry of Asteroid M to Earth, the rest of the original Acolytes do not. The remains of this Asteroid M crash in the Middle East. Forge, Henry Peter Gyrich, and other government officials, inspect the wreckage in "Uncanny X-Men" #299 (April, 1993).

Fourth version

During the Planet X storyline, Xorn (who is pretending to be Magneto) traps Wolverine and Jean Grey on a new version of Asteroid M, which he moves into the Sun.

Other versions

The "Ages of Apocalypse" was a reality where Apocalypse attempted to use the X-Men and their powers. In one version of this reality, an alternate version of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants stays on Asteroid M.

In the Marvel Zombies universe, Asteroid M acts as a safe haven, protecting what's left of the Acolytes (Fabian Cortez, Joanna Cargill, Lisa Hendricks, and Reynolds), Black Panther, and Forge from the hordes of zombies on Earth.

Other Media


It should be noted, in all of its appearances in animation it is destroyed soon after it appears.

"Pryde of the X-Men"

* In "Pryde of the X-Men", Asteroid M appears as Magneto's base of operations. After his escape from prison thanks to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (primarily the White Queen), Magneto steals Cerebro's "mutant power circuit" from Kitty Pryde, to whom it had been given by Professor X for its protection. Once he obtains the circuit he and his Brotherhood go to Asteroid M, and with a machine, use the circuit to amplify Magneto's power in order to change the course of the "Scorpio" comet, aiming it towards Earth. However, the X-Men stop his attempt to destroy the Earth when Nightcrawler reprograms the controls and makes the comet hit Asteroid M instead, resulting in its destruction.

"X-Men: The Animated Series"

* In "", Asteroid M appears in the two-part episode "Sanctuary." In the series it has been built by Magneto with the goal of having it act as a sanctuary for all mutants, where they might live free from their human oppressors, since he has become weary of battling for mutant supremacy. As such, he tells all of the world of his intentions for Asteroid M. He gathers many mutants from Earth (mainly from Genosha) and takes them to their new home in large transports. He has also previously gathered a large number of nuclear warheads to defend his new sanctuary. Soon the governments of the world feel threatened by Magneto's plan. They are intent on destroying Asteroid M, but through the interference of Professor X this is stopped. In his sanctuary, Magneto no longer cares about humanity; however, one of his followers, the Acolyte Fabian Cortez, desires nothing more than to destroy the humans. This eventually causes him to betray Magneto and jettison him towards Earth. Magneto survives, however, and is forced to destroy Asteroid M when he destroys hundreds of nuclear warheads Cortez has launched at the Earth in order to wipe out humanity.

"X-Men: Evolution"

* In "", Asteroid M appears in the two-part Season 1 finale "The Cauldron." In the episode Magneto pits the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants against each other to see who is the "fittest" to join him at his sanctuary on Asteroid M. While some may have come voluntarily, others have been captured. On Asteroid M to those who survive his competition he gives the opportunity to "evolve" their powers, as he puts it, by being put in a machine powered by the Gem of Cyttorak. To show it is safe to use he lets Sabretooth go in as an example. After the process is finished Sabretooth comes out more powerful and much more beast-like in appearance. Following him are Cyclops, Havok and later Mystique. Afterward fighting ensues that causes the destruction of the engines which keep Asteroid M at its high altitude, causing its impending crash on the surface below. To stop this, however, Cyclops and Havok use their newly enhanced abilities to destroy Asteroid M before it can do any harm, resulting not only in its obliteration but causing both of them to "burn-up" their new powers and revert back to their former states.

Video Games

Asteroid M has made appearances in the "X-Men" game for the Sega Genesis, the X-Men arcade game, in ' for the PlayStation, in ' for the Gamecube, and in the "X-Men Legends" role playing game. In the latter it is the site of the final mission and serves as the place where the player battles Magneto. It is also the home of his Gravitron superweapon. In this version, Asteroid M is not above Anya's grave but above New York City. Asteroid M is also Magneto's stage in Marvel Super Heroes.


List of titles

*"Uncanny X-Men" #5, 113, 299 & 378 (May 1964, September 1978, April 1993 & March 2000, Marvel Comics)
*"New Mutants" Vol. 1 # 21 (November 1984, Marvel Comics)
*"New X-Men" #146 & 148 (November 2003 & December 2003, Marvel Comics)
*"" #57 & 60 (April 1990 - July 1990, Marvel Comics)
*"X-Men "vol. 2, #1 - 3 (October 1991 - December 1991, Marvel Comics).

ignificant stories

*"X-Men "vol. 2, #3 (December 1991, Marvel Comics) - Destruction of Asteroid M, by Fabian Cortez.
*"New X-Men" #148 (December 2003, Marvel Comics) - Wolverine and Jean Grey spending their final moments together on Asteroid M, before it collides with the Sun.

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