- Robert M. Solovay
Robert Martin Solovay (
1938 – ) is a set theorist who spent many years as a professor atUC Berkeley . Among his most noted accomplishments are showing (relative to the existence of aninaccessible cardinal ) that the statement "every set ofreal number s isLebesgue measurable " it is consistent with ZF, without theaxiom of choice , and isolating the notion of 0#. He proved that the existence of a real valued measurable cardinal is equiconsistent with the existence of a measurable cardinal. He also proved that if is a strong limitsingular cardinal , greater than astrongly compact cardinal then holds. In another important result he proved that if is an uncountable regular cardinal, and is astationary set , then can be decomposed into the union of disjoint stationary sets.Solovay earned his
Ph.D. from theUniversity of Chicago in 1964 under the direction ofSaunders Mac Lane , with a dissertation on "A Functorial Form of the DifferentiableRiemann-Roch Theorem ". Among his notable students areW. Hugh Woodin andMatthew Foreman .Solovay has accomplishments outside of set theory as well; with
Volker Strassen , he developed theSolovay-Strassen primality test , which is used to identify largenatural number s that are prime with highprobability , and had important ramifications in the history ofcryptography .elected publications
*cite journal|author=Solovay, Robert M.|title=A model of set-theory in which every set of reals is Lebesgue measurable|journal=Annals of Mathematics. Second Series|volume=92|year=1970|pages=1–56
*cite journal|author=Solovay, Robert M.|title=A nonconstructible "Δ13" set of integers|journal=Transactions of the American Mathematical Society|volume=127|year=1967|pages=50–75|doi=10.2307/1994631
*cite journal|author=Solovay, Robert M. and Volker Strassen|journal=SIAM Journal on Computing|title=A fast Monte-Carlo test for primality|volume=6|year=1977|issue=1|pages=84–85|doi=10.1137/0206006ee also
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