- Battle of Ronaldsway
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of Ronaldsway
partof=theNorse-Manx Rebellion against the Scots
date=October 8 ,1275
place=Ronaldsway ,Malew ,Isle of Man
result=Decisive Scottish victory, end of Norse Sudreyan monarchy and firm establishment of Scottish rule on the Isle of Man.Manx National Heritage Official Website: [http://www.gov.im/mnh/collections/archaeology/lords/ Lords of Mann - Manx Middle Ages - 1265 AD to 1765 AD] ]
combatant2=Forces of theKingdom of Scotland
combatant1=King of Mann
commander2=John de Vesci, Lord ofAlnwick A. W. MOORE, M.A. (1900), "A History of the Isle of Man": [http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/fulltext/hist1900/ch17.htm CHAPTER VII: Scottish and English rule] ] [thePeerage.com: [http://www.thepeerage.com/p4196.htm#i41954 John de Vesci, Lord of Alnwick] ]
commander1=Godred VI Magnuson of the Isle of Man
casualties1=537 dead,Chronicle of Man and the Isles: [http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/manxsoc/msvol22/p101.htm 1249-1374] la icon and en icon]
probably including Godred VIThe Battle of Ronaldsway took place in
1275 atRonaldsway in the southern part of theIsle of Man between a Scottish army and Manx insurgents. The battle crushed the final attempt by the Manx to re-establish the Norse Sudreyardynasty . As the battle resulted in the death of the last NorseKing of Mann , Godred VI Magnuson, and the emigration to Norway of the remaining members of the Manx royal family it also led to the firm establishment of Scottish rule on the Isle of Man.Background
Although the Isle of Man was formally ceded to
Alexander III of Scotland in 1266 Scottish rule did not go unchallenged and in 1267 Alexander was forced to send an expedition against "the rebels of Man".Between this expedition and the 1275 uprising all that is known is that Alexander III appointed
bailiff s to the Isle of Man.Manx rebellion
In response to the open uprising of the Manxmen under Godred VI, Alexander III dispatched a fleet to the Island led by John de Vesci of
Alnwick and many nobles. The Scots landed onSt. Michael's Isle on 7 October, 1275 and sent message to the rebels with terms of peace; "offering them the peace of God and of the King of Scotland on condition of their laying aside their absurd presumption, and of giving themselves up to the King and his nobles."The battle
Godred VI and the Manxmen having rejected the terms offered, battle was joined before sunrise the following day, 8 October. In the following fighting the Manxmen were routed and suffered heavy casualties. Godred VI was probably among the dead, ending the male line of the Manx Norse dynasty, [Chronicle of Man and the Isles: [http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/manxsoc/msvol22/note_53.htm Note 53, p. 110] la icon and en icon] although some theorize that he might have survived and fled to
Wales . [Clan MacLeod Magazine, No. 91, November, 2000: [http://www.macleodgenealogy.org/Research/APMacLeod.html#I2 The Ancestry of Leod] ]Aftermath
With the death of Godred VI, the Isle of Man came under Scottish rule which lasted at least until the death of Alexander III in 1285, as it was listed among Alexander's heir
Margaret, Maid of Norway 's future possessions in 1284. The Island did not, however, remain in Scottish hands for longer than September, 1290, whenEdward I of England issued decrees to the Manxmen as their ruler. Thereafter England and Scotland struggled for control of the island until 1333, whenEdward III of England renounced all English claims over the Isle of Man and recognisedWilliam Montacute, 1st Earl of Salisbury asKing of Mann . English rule was reinstituted in 1399, the title of King of Mann changed toLord of Mann in 1504 and from 1765 the title was purchased bythe Crown of Great Britain.1936 archaeological excavations
In connection with the eastwards expansion of Ronaldsway Aerodrome in 1936 a number of small rises near the airfield were dug into to provide soil for the levelling of the ground to the east. When workers began digging into one rise on the south side of the airfield they came upon numerous ancient graves. To the north east of the main area of graves a large number of skeletons were found thrown together in a disorderly manner. Seeing as the ancient burial mound, dating back to at least the 8th or 9th centuries AD, had been a dominating strong point in the area, it was believed the collection of skeletons might be a
mass grave of soldiers who fell at the Battle of Ronaldsway. [Journal of Manx Museum: [http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/jmmuseum/v3p144.htm Volume 3 - number 49] ]ee also
Battle of Largs
*History of the Isle of Man
*King of Mann Footnotes
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