- GCHQ Bude
GCHQ Bude, formerly called the GCHQ Composite Signals Organisation Station Morwenstow is a satellite ground station located on the north
Cornwall coast between the small villages ofMorwenstow and Coombe, UK operated by the Britishsignals intelligence service (GCHQ) on the site of the former World War II airfield,RAF Cleave .The station comprises 21 satellite antennas of various sizes (including 3 that have a diameter of 30 m) that could theoretically cover all the main frequency bands:
L band ,C band , Ku band,X band , Ka band andV band . Calculated on the basis of their position, their elevation and their compass (azimuth) angle the antennae are generally orientated towards satellites of theINTELSAT , INTERSPUTNIK andINMARSAT communications networks over the Atlantic ocean, Africa and the Indian ocean , as well as towards theMiddle East and mainland Europe. Staff are drawn from GCHQ (UK) and theNSA (US) and the station is operated under theUKUSA agreement, gathering data for theECHELON signals intelligence (SIGINT ) network. Comparable stations in operation includeMenwith Hill (UK), Sugar Grove (West Virginia, US), Yakima (Washington, US), Sabana Seca (Puerto Rico), Misawa (Japan),Pine Gap (Australia), Geraldton (Australia),GCSB Waihopai (New Zealand) andGCSB Tangimoana (New Zealand) that cover otherINTELSAT areas such as South America and the Pacific Ocean. GCHQ CSO Morwenstow is located about 100 km from the commercially operatedGoonhilly Satellite Earth Station that handles civilian communications (which is due for closure in 2008).The activities of GCHQ CSO Morwenstow usually remain classified, however, partly in response to concerns expressed by some
EU member states that Morwenstow is responsible forindustrial espionage and the interception of civilian communications, a report by theEuropean Parliament (referenced below) was made public in 2001 that provides some details about the station.Morwenstow GCHQ station was recently renamed GCHQ Bude. A new sign has been placed near the site entrance with the words "GCHQ Bude".
*cite conference
last = Schmid
first = G.
title = "Report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system)(2001/2098(INI))"
booktitle = European Parliament A5-0264/2001
date =2001-07-11
url = http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+REPORT+A5-2001-0264+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN&language=EN
accessdate = 2006-12-21External links
* [http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=50.886561~-4.556258&style=h&lvl=16&scene=175966 GCHQ CSO Morwenstow (GCHQ Bude) on Virtual Earth]
* [http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=50.886088,-4.553747&spn=0.009557,0.014849&t=k&z=16&om=1 GCHQ CSO Morwenstow (GCHQ Bude) on Google Earth]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.