- Geesthacht
Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
Wappen = Geesthacht-Wappen.png
lat_deg = 53 |lat_min = 26
lon_deg = 10 |lon_min = 22
Bundesland = Schleswig-Holstein
Kreis = Lauenburg
Höhe = 5
Fläche = 33.18
Einwohner = 29404
Stand = 2005-06-30
PLZ = 21498–21502
Vorwahl = 04152
Kfz = RZ
Gemeindeschlüssel = 01 0 53 032
Adresse = Markt 15
21500 Geesthacht
Website = [http://www.geesthacht.de/ www.geesthacht.de]
Bürgermeister = Ingo FokkenGeesthacht (IPA2|geːstˈhaxt) is the largest city in the District of the Duchy of Lauenburg (Herzogtum Lauenburg) in
Schleswig-Holstein in NorthernGermany , 34 km southeast ofHamburg on the banks of the RiverElbe .History
*Around 800: A church is documented.
*1216: First documentary mention of the settlement as "Hachede".
*A change in the course of the Elbe cuts the settlement into two:Geest "hacht" andMarschacht (inLower Saxony ).
*1420: Geesthacht is ceded to the Hanseatic citiesHamburg andLübeck in thePeace of Perleberg .
*1865/66: The Swedish chemistAlfred Nobel establishes aglycerin factory in Geesthacht (on Krümmel hill) and inventsdynamite . Krümmel becomes the first dynamite factory in the world.
*1906: Opening of theBergedorf-Geesthachter Railway (BGE).
*1918-1933: Geesthacht is a hotbed of radical leftist parties (USPD ,KPD and SAPD) and acquires the nickname "Little Moscow".
*1924: Granted municipal rights by the Hamburg City order of 2 January.
*1928: Destruction of the historical town centre by a fire.
*1937: In the context of the territorial reorganization of the State of Hamburg, Geesthacht is transferred to thePrussia n province ofSchleswig-Holstein and the administrative district ("Kreis") of "Duchy of Lauenburg".
*1953: Suspension of passenger service on theBergedorf-Geesthachter Eisenbahn (a railway line).Politics
At present, the city council is composed as follows:
Twin towns
Hoogezand-Sappemeer (Netherlands ), since 1966
*Chadderton (England ), since 1966
*Plaisir (France ), since 1975
*Kuldiga (Latvia ), since 1991Economics and transportation
Geesthacht is a major energy and scientific research center. It has the
Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant , aboiling water nuclear reactor on the River Elbe, and apumped storage hydroelectrical plant situated within a few hundreds metres of the nuclear power plant. It consists of an artificial lake 80m above the river, where the water is pumped up from, and storage for later use in generating electricity when demand is high.* Freeway 25 from Hamburg
* Federal road B5 fromHamburg in the west to Lauenburg in the east
* Disused railway line toHamburg-Bergedorf
* River port on the Elbe, Elbe locks
* The nearest airport is at Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel
* The nearest sea port is inHamburg State institutions
GKSS-Forschungszentrum - nuclear research instituteLeisure and sports sites
* Open-air swimming pool at the Elbe
* Kleines Theater Schillerstrasse - small art meetings and cinema
*Krügersches Haus - a permanent exhibition relating the history of the city
Honorary citizens
Rudolf Basedau (20 November 1897 –23 October 1975 ), politician (SPD ), member of the Schleswig-Holstein parliamentTrivia
The conservative politician
Uwe Barschel , who was later involved in the "Waterkantgate" scandal, took hisAbitur at the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Geesthacht and as a student representative invited former Nazi admiral Dönitz to give a presentation on the topic of 'The Modernisation of History Classes' ("Aktualisierung des Geschichtsunterrichts"). Following the scandal, his principal committed suicide under the ensuing pressure [http://www.aliaflanko.de/bogi/venske/venske15.htm] .Literature
* Heinz Bohlmann: Fäuste, Führer, Flüchtlingstrecks. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Städte Geesthacht und Lauenburg/Elbe 1930-1950. Schwarzenbeck 1990. ISBN 3-921595-15-0
* Bernhard Michael Menapace: "Klein-Moskau" wird braun: Geesthacht in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik (1928-1933). Kiel 1991. ISBN 3-89029-923-7
* August Ziehl: Geesthacht - 60 Jahre Arbeiterbewegung 1890-1950. Geesthacht 1958.External links
* [http://www.elbetreff.de/ELBE/Bilder/geest_hafen/geesthacht_hafen.html Fototour Geesthacht]
* [http://geesthacht.linsen-blicke.de/ Bilder Geesthacht/Elbe]
* [http://www.geesthacht.biz/ Geesthacht Business Site]
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