

An alias is a pseudonym and may also refer to:

In family names:
*An additional component of a surname to distinguish its users from other families of the same surname. So whereas an alias is used nowadays to hide someone's identity, an alias was originally used to clarify identity. As an imaginary example, a member of the Smith family who moved to Exeter might have called themselves Smith Alias Exeter, or Exeter Alias Smith.

In culture:
*"Alias" (TV series), an American television series starring Jennifer Garner.
**"Alias" (video game), video game version of the TV series.
*"Alias" (comics), an American comic book.
*Alias (band), a hard rock band.
**"Alias" (album), their debut album.
*Alias (artist), Brendon Whitney, an abstract hip-hop artist.
*Alias, the heroine of the novel Azure Bonds.
*Stage name
*Samsung Alias, a cell phone with a qwerty keyboard
*Alias Records, a record label.
*Alias Enterprises, a United States publishing company.
*Alias, the name used by singer songwriter Ryan Tedder when working as a producer.
*Alias (board game), a Finnish board game

In computing:
*Aliasing, different continuous signals becoming indistinguishable when sampled.
*Aliasing (computing), multiple names for the same data location.
*Email alias, a virtual email address.
*Alias (command), a shell command.
*Alias (Mac OS), multiple links to same file.
*Alias Systems Corporation (used to be Alias Wavefront)
**PowerAnimator, an Alias Systems Corporation program also known as "Alias".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • alias — 1 / ā lē əs, āl yəs/ adv [Latin, otherwise, from alius other]: otherwise called: also known as John Thomas Nolan, alias Legs Diamond alias 2 n: an assumed or additional name alias 3 adj: issued after the original instrument has not produced any… …   Law dictionary

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  • alias — Ptkl anders, auch ... genannt erw. fach. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. aliās anders , Adverbialbildung zu l. alius ein anderer .    Ebenso nndl. alias, ne. alias, nfrz. alias, nschw. alias, nnorw. alias. Zu Adverbien von l. alius gehören… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • alias — (Del lat. alĭas). 1. m. Apodo o sobrenombre. 2. adv. Por otro nombre. Alfonso Tostado, alias el Abulense. 3. desus. De otro modo …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Alias — A li*as, adv. [L., fr. alius. See {Else}.] (Law) (a) Otherwise; otherwise called; a term used in legal proceedings to connect the different names of any one who has gone by two or more, and whose true name is for any cause doubtful; as, Smith,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • aliás — adv. 1. De outro modo, se não fosse assim. 2. A propósito, diga se de passagem, verdade seja dita. 3. Além do mais, além disso. 4. Melhor dizendo, ou melhor.   ‣ Etimologia: latim alias, outra vez, noutra época, noutro local, de outra maneira …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • alias — »anders, sonst, auch« (Adverb): Das Wort wurde im 15. Jh. aus dem Lateinischen übernommen. Das lat. Adverb alias »ein anderes Mal; anders, sonst« gehört zu lat. alius »ein anderer« (urverwandt mit gleichbed. griech. állos; vgl. die Vorsilbe ↑… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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