Seymour Lipton

Seymour Lipton

Seymour Lipton (6 November 1903 – 15 December 1986) was an American abstract expressionist sculptor. He was a member of the New York School who gained widespread recognition in the 1950s. He initially trained as a dentist but focused on sculpture from 1932. His early choices of medium changed from wood to lead and then to bronze, and he is best known for his work in metal. He made several technical innovations, including brazing nickel-silver rods onto sheets of Monel to create rust resistant forms.

Much of his art addresses the themes of flight, nature and war.


* "History of Sculpture" by Allan Marquand and Arthur L Frothingham, page 293, ISBN 0-87891-408-0
* Marika Herskovic, [ "American Abstract Expressionism of the 1950s An Illustrated Survey,"] (New York School Press, 2003.) ISBN 0-9677994-1-4
* Marika Herskovic, [ "New York School Abstract Expressionists Artists Choice by Artists,"] (New York School Press, 2000.) ISBN 0-9677994-0-6
* [ The Grove Dictionary of Art] (excerpt available online)
* [ Intro by art historian Dr. Lori]

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  • LIPTON, SEYMOUR — (1903–1986), U.S. sculptor. Born in New York City, Lipton showed a predilection for art as a child. His parents, however, discouraged his ambitions and he received a D.D.S. degree from Columbia University in 1927. While practicing as a dentist,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • Lipton —   [ lɪptən], Seymour, amerikanischer Bildhauer, * New York 6. 11. 1903, ✝ Glen Cove (New York) 5. 12. 1986; Autodidakt, begann mit expressionistischen Holzfiguren, nach 1945 abstrakte Metallplastiken mit pflanzenhaften Formen und großen, bewegten …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lipton — /lip teuhn/, n. 1. Seymour, born 1903, U.S. sculptor. 2. Sir Thomas Johnstone /jon steuhn, seuhn/, 1850 1931, Scottish merchant and yacht racer. * * * Lipton [Lipton] a product name for the many varieties of tea including iced tea, sold by the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lipton, Seymour — ▪ American sculptor born Nov. 6, 1903, New York City died Dec. 5, 1986, Glen Cove, N.Y., U.S.       American sculptor known for his forceful metal sculptures of abstract organic forms.       Lipton attended City College of New York, studied… …   Universalium

  • Lipton — /lip teuhn/, n. 1. Seymour, born 1903, U.S. sculptor. 2. Sir Thomas Johnstone /jon steuhn, seuhn/, 1850 1931, Scottish merchant and yacht racer. * * * …   Universalium

  • Lipton, Seymour — (b. 1903)    American sculptor. He trained as a dentist and practised in New York before devoting himself to sculpture. Some of his works are based on Jewish motifs …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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