- Elliptic geometry
Elliptic geometry (sometimes known as
Riemannian geometry ) is anon-Euclidean geometry , in which, given a line L and a point p outside L, there exists no line parallel to L passing through p.Elliptic geometry, like
hyperbolic geometry , violates Euclid'sparallel postulate , which asserts that there is exactly one line parallel to "L" passing through "p". In elliptic geometry, there are no parallel lines at all. A simple way to picture this is to look at a globe. The lines of longitude are exactly next to each other, yet they eventually intersect. Elliptic geometry has other unusual properties. For example, the sum of theangle s of anytriangle is always greater than 180°.Models of elliptic geometry
Models of elliptic geometry include the hyperspherical model, the projective model, and the stereographic model.
In the hyperspherical model, the points of n-dimensional elliptic space are the unit vectors in Rn+1, that is, the points on the surface of the unit ball in n+1 dimensional space. Lines in this model are
great circle s; intersections of the ball with hypersurface subspaces, meaning subspaces of dimension n.In the projective model, the points of n-dimensional
real projective space are used as points of the model. The points of n-dimensional projective space can be identified with lines through the origin in (n+1)-dimensional space, and can be represented non-uniquely by nonzero vectors in Rn+1, with the understanding that u and λu, for any non-zero scalar λ, represent the same point. Distance can be defined using the metric:d(u, v) = arccos left(frac{u cdot v} ight).This is homogeneous in each variable, with d(λu, μv) = d(u, v) if λ and μ are non-zero scalars, and so it defines a distance on the points of projective space.The two models represent different geometries; in the hyperspherical model, two distinct lines intersect exactly twice, at antipodal points, and in the projective model, lines intersect exactly once. By identifying antipodal points the hyperspherical model becomes a model for the same geometry as the projective model. A notable property of the projective model is that for even dimensions, such as the plane, the geometry is nonorientable.
A model representing the same space as the hyperspherical model can be obtained by means of
stereographic projection . Let En represent Rn ∪ {∞}, that is, n-dimensional real space extended by a single point at infinity. We may define a metric, the "chordal metric", onEn by:delta(u, v)=frac{2 ||u-v|{sqrt{(1+||u||^2)(1+||v||^2).where u and v are any two vectors in Rn and ||*|| is the usual Euclidean norm. We also define:delta(u, infty)=delta(infty, u) = frac{2}{sqrt{1+||u||^2.The result is a metric space on En, which represents the distance along a chord of the corresponding points on the hyperspherical model, which it maps bijectively to by stereographic projection. To obtain a model of elliptic geometry, we define another metric:d(u, v) = 2 arcsinleft(frac{delta(u,v)}{2} ight).The result is a model of elliptic geometry.The plane geometry of the hyperspherical model is
spherical geometry , where "points" are points on thesphere , and "lines" aregreat circle s through those points. On the sphere, such as the surface of the Earth, it is easy to give an example of a "triangle" that requires more than 180°: For two of the sides, take lines oflongitude that differ by 90°. These form an angle of 90° at theNorth Pole . For the third side, take theequator . The angle of any longitude line makes with the equator is again 90°. This gives us a triangle with an angle sum of 270°, which would be impossible inEuclidean geometry .Elliptic geometry is sometimes called
Riemannian geometry , in honor ofBernhard Riemann , but this term is usually used for a vast generalization of elliptic geometry.References
*Alan F. Beardon, "The Geometry of Discrete Groups", Springer-Verlag, 1983
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