

Pematangsiantar (sometimes written as Pematang Siantar, but the official name has no space) [cite web|title=Official Website of Pematangsiantar City (In Indonesian)|url=] is a city in North Sumatera, Indonesia. It has the status of a second level district ("daerah tingkat dua") and a population of around 227.551 (2004) [cite web|title=North Sumatera government's information and communication website (in Indonesian)|url=] - making it the second largest city in the province after the provincial capital Medan.


Before 1907, Pematangsiantar was a Kingdom lead by the Damanik Family. The last king of the dynasty is Tuan Sangnawaluh Damanik. In 1907, the Dutch take over the control, and turn it into their colony. The city remain under Dutch until 1942 when Japanese rule over the country.

After Indonesia proclaim its freedom, Pematangsiantar was granted the status of autonomy. In 1974, Pematangsiantar became second level district, and appointed as the capital of Simalungun district. [cite web|title=Pematangsiantar history (in Indonesian)|url= ]


Pematangsiantar's native inhabitants was Bataknese and Simalungunese. Nowadays, Chinese and Javanese also inhabit some part of the City, especially around downtown.


Pematangsiantar has a plantation for palm tree, tea, and rubber. Its Palm tree fruit is usually exported or made into Palm oil.


Pematangsiantar is an hour away from the beautiful Toba Lake, which attracted a number of tourists from countries around Asia, and Australia. It is not rare to see some foreigner aiming for Toba lake to stay in this City to take some rest.Pematangsiantar can be reached from Medan by train.


Most of Pematangsiantar's foods are inherited from Bataknese and Chinese traditional food. Foods such as Sangsang (Pork cooked with its own blood), Roasted pork, and Tuak (alcoholic drink made with coconut) from Bataknese are very popular.

Chinese food restaurants can also be found all across the city. One of the very popular local delicacies inherited from Chinese food is "Mie Pangsit" (Wonton Noodle).

Some food from West Sumatera are also quite popular, especially Nasi Padang (various padangnese dish with Rice), and Sate Padang (Padangnese spicy beef slices, usually eaten with rice-cake).


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