Balc of Moldavia

Balc of Moldavia

Balc (died 1395) was a voivode ruling over the lands of the Hungarian march in Moldavia in 1359, succeeding his father, Sas, the son of the first ruler of the country. He managed to rule the country for only one year before being deposed by Bogdan.

After being defeated by Bogdan I, Balc left Moldavia and retreated to Maramureş, the district Bogdan I used to hold. In 1365, the king of Hungary appointed him and his cousins Drag, Dragomir and Ştefan as Voivodes of Maramureş.

Later, Balc was also appointed Count of Szatmár (around what is today the city of Satu Mare) and of the Szekelys.

Balc and Drag ruled Maramureş until Balc's death in 1395.

Drag is the ancestor of the Dragfi Hungarian aristocracy family.

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