- The Strangerers
"The Strangerers" is a
British television science fiction comedy drama serial written byRob Grant (best known as co-creator ofRed Dwarf ) and was broadcast onSky One between February and April 2000.The story centres around three alien agents which are in fact incredibly advanced and evolved vegetables on a mission to Earth, where they take on human form. They are mistakenly abandoned, and their supervisor is accidentally decapitated. The two surviving agents must learn how to survive among humans.
Their exact whereabouts on Earth is something of a mystery. The society in which they find themselves bears some resemblance to both Britain and America, as there are hints that a totalitarian Government is in charge. There are also
street gang s parodying those in "A Clockwork Orange". Two Government agents and their apparently psychopathic commander try to capture the aliens. The aliens repeatedly escape, but not without suffering some injuries themselves.A single series was made with a total of 9 episodes (the first being 1 hour in length and the rest 30 minutes each). The show ended on a
cliffhanger , but a second series has yet to be written. Sky reportedly cancelled the series because it was felt that the show did not fit in with the rest of its programming.Cast
*Mark Williams ... Cadet Flynn
*Jack Docherty ... Cadet Niven
*Sarah Alexander ... Rina
*Mark Heap ... Harry
*Milton Jones ... The Supervisor
*Morwenna Banks ... The Supersupervisor
*Paul Darrow ... C.D.
*David Walliams ... RatsExternal links
*imdb title|id=0235944|title=The Strangerers
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