

Routine may refer to:
* Routine, as a course of normative, standardized actions or procedures that are followed regularly, oftentimes repetitiously;
* Choreographed routine, an orchestrated dance involving several performers;
* Comedy routine, a comedic act or part of an act;
* Visual routine, a visual cognitive means of extracting information from a scene;
* Routine activity theory, a sub-field of criminology;
* "Routine (SWT)", the first of four stories in the second issue of the "Star Wars Tales" series;
* "Routine Irregular", the 2002 debut album by the British metal band Fony;
* "Routine Valor", a 2006 Star Wars comic book by Dark Horse Comics;
* Subroutine, a reused piece of computer code;
* Coroutine, a generalized reentrant computer subroutine having multiple entry points;
* Ethnomethodology, a sociological discipline focused on the methods groups use to create societal order

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  • routine — [ rutin ] n. f. • 1715; rotine 1559; de route 1 ♦ Habitude d agir ou de penser toujours de la même manière, avec qqch. de mécanique et d irréfléchi. ⇒ train train; fam. ronron. « Quand ma besogne, devenue une espèce de routine, occupa moins mon… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • routine — Routine. s. f. Usage acquis par une longue habitude, sans le secours de l estude & des regles. Il n a jamais estudié à fond, mais il a acquis je ne sçay quelle routine de discourir, de parler. il fait cela par routine. il ne sçait point de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Routine — Sf std. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. routine, einer Ableitung von Route. Gemeint ist die Geschicklichkeit, die durch wiederkehrende Übung erworben wird, so wie der mehrfach begangene Weg geläufig wird. Adjektiv: routiniert.    Ebenso… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • routine — ► NOUN 1) a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed unvarying programme. 2) a set sequence in a theatrical or comic performance. ► ADJECTIVE 1) performed as part of a regular procedure: a routine inspection. 2) characteristic of routine;… …   English terms dictionary

  • routine — [ro͞o tēn′] n. [Fr < route: see ROUTE] 1. a regular, more or less unvarying procedure, customary, prescribed, or habitual, as of business or daily life 2. such procedure in general [to dislike routine] 3. a theatrical skit or act ☆ 4. a series …   English World dictionary

  • routine — (n.) 1670s, from Fr. routine usual course of action, beaten path from route way, path, course (see ROUTE (Cf. route)) + subst. suffix ine. Theatrical sense is from 1926. The adjective is attested from 1817, from the noun …   Etymology dictionary

  • routine — [adj] habitual accepted, accustomed, chronic, conventional, customary, everyday, familiar, general, methodical, normal, ordinary, periodic, plain, quotidian, regular, seasonal, standard, typical, unremarkable, usual, wonted, workaday; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • Routine — Rou*tine , n. [F., fr. route a path, way, road. See {Route}, {Rote}repetition.] 1. A round of business, amusement, or pleasure, daily or frequently pursued; especially, a course of business or offical duties regularly or frequently returning.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Routine — (fr., spr. Rutin), 1) Geschäftsfertigkeit, Geläufigkeit, Erfahrenheit; 2) eine mehr aus häufiger Übung in einer Kunst, als durch Studium ihrer Theorie u. Regeln erlangte Fertigkeit darin. Daher Routinier (spr. Rutinich), einer welcher viel R.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Routine — (franz., spr. ru ), auf Übung beruhende Gewandtheit und Fertigkeit; in der Theatersprache neuerdings mit dem Beigeschmack einer glänzenden, aber erstarrten Manier gebraucht. An Bord der Kriegsschiffe die Zeiteinteilung für den Dienst (daher Hafen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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