- Tensor fasciae latae
Muscle infobox
Name = Tensor fasciae latae
Latin = musculus tensor fasciae latae
GraySubject = 128
GrayPage = 476 |
Caption = The tensor fasciae latae and nearby muscles
Caption2 = The left femoral triangle.
Origin =iliac crest
Insertion =iliotibial tract
Blood = primarilylateral circumflex femoral artery ,Superior gluteal artery
Nerve =Superior gluteal nerve (L4-L5)
Action =Thigh -flexion ,medial rotation . Trunk stabilization.
DorlandsPre = m_22
DorlandsSuf = 12551088
The tensor fasciae latae or tensor fasciæ latæ is amuscle of thethigh .Origin and insertion
It arises from the anterior part of the outer lip of the
iliac crest ; from the outer surface of theanterior superior iliac spine , and part of the outer border of the notch below it, between thegluteus medius and sartorius; and from the deep surface of thefascia lata .It is inserted between the two layers of the
iliotibial band of the fascia lata about the junction of the middle and upper thirds of the thigh.Function
The Tensor fasciæ latæ is a tensor of the fascia lata; continuing its action, the oblique direction of its fibers enables it to abduct the thigh and assists with internal rotatation and flexion of the hip it inward (medial rotation).
In the erect posture, acting from below, it will serve to steady the pelvis upon the
head of the femur ; and by means of theiliotibial band it steadies thecondyle s of thefemur on the articular surfaces of thetibia , and assists theGlutæus maximus in supporting the knee in the extended position.
=AdditionalExternal links
* [http://www.coachr.org/tfl.htm Coachr]
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