

Cruelty can be described as indifference to suffering, and even positive pleasure in inflicting it. If this is supported by a legal or social framework, then receives the name of perversion. Sadism can also be related to this form of action or concept.

Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be cruel. For example, if a person is drowning and begging for help, and another person is able to help, but merely watches with disinterest or perhaps mischievous amusement, that person is being cruelrather than violent.


Usage in law

The term cruelty is often used in law and criminology with regard to the treatment of animals, children, spouses, and prisoners. When cruelty to animals is discussed, it often refers to unnecessary suffering. In criminal law, it refers to punishment, torture, victimization, draconian measures, and cruel and unusual punishment. In divorce cases, many jurisdictions permit a cause of action for cruel and inhumane treatment.

See also



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  • cruelty — cru·el·ty n pl ties 1 a: an intentional or criminally negligent act that causes pain and suffering cruelty to animals cruelty to children b: mistreatment or neglect that causes pain and suffering compare abuse …   Law dictionary

  • Cruelty — Cru el*ty ( t[y^]), n.; pl. {Cruelties} ( t[i^]z). [OF. cruelt[ e], F. cruaut[ e], fr. L. crudelitas, fr. crudelis. See {Cruel}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The attribute or quality of being cruel; a disposition to give unnecessary pain or suffering to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cruelty — early 13c., from O.Fr. crualté (12c., Mod.Fr. cruauté), from L. crudelitatem (nom. crudelitas) cruelty, from crudelis (see CRUEL (Cf. cruel)) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • cruelty — [kro͞o′əltē] n. [ME cruelte < OFr < L crudelitas < CRUEL] 1. the quality or condition of being cruel; inhumanity; hardheartedness 2. pl. cruelties a cruel action, remark, etc. 3. Law willful infliction of physical pain or suffering upon… …   English World dictionary

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  • cruelty — n. 1) to demonstrate, display cruelty 2) consummate, deliberate, wanton cruelty 3) mental cruelty 4) cruelty to, towards (cruelty to animals) * * * [ kruːəltɪ] deliberate displaycruelty wanton cruelty towards (cruelty to animals) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cruelty — cru|el|ty [ˈkru:əlti] n plural cruelties 1.) [U and C] behaviour or actions that deliberately cause pain to people or animals ≠ ↑kindness ▪ The children had suffered cruelty and neglect. ▪ There was a hint of cruelty in Brian s smile. cruelty to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cruelty */ — UK [ˈkruːəltɪ] / US [ˈkruəltɪ] noun Word forms cruelty : singular cruelty plural cruelties 1) [countable/uncountable] behaviour that deliberately causes pain to other people or animals, or that makes them unhappy or upset She was shocked by the… …   English dictionary

  • cruelty — The intentional and malicious infliction of physical or mental suffering upon living creatures, particularly human beings; or, as applied to the latter, the wanton, malicious, and unnecessary infliction of pain upon the body, or the feelings and… …   Black's law dictionary

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