Kamoya Kimeu

Kamoya Kimeu

Kamoya Kimeu, (born c. 1940) is one of the world's most successful fossil collectors who, together with paleontologists Meave Leakey and Richard Leakey, is responsible for some of the most significant archaeological discoveries. Kimeu found a "Homo habilis" skull known as KNM ER 1813, and an almost complete "Homo erectus" skeleton named KNM-WT 15000 or Turkana Boy (also known as Nariokotome boy). He has two fossil primates named after him: "Kamoyapithecus hamiltoni" and "Cercopithecoides kimeui".

Kimeu began to work in paleoanthropology as a laborer for Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey in the 1950s. In 1963 he joined with Richard Leakey's expeditions, accompanying him to the Omo River and Lake Rudolf (now Lake Turkana) in 1967. He quickly became Richard Leakey's right-hand man, assuming control of field operations in Leakey's absence. In 1977 he became the National Museums of Kenya's curator for all prehistoric sites in Kenya.


* [http://www.larryjzimmerman.com/origins/campus/lec18.html Paleoanthropologist Profiles]
* [http://palaeo.gly.bris.ac.uk/Palaeofiles/Lagerstatten/lkturkana/impdishomo.html A list of fossils found at Lake Turkana]
* [http://www.abouthumanevolution.org/html/site/timestone11.htm Footsteps through time - San Diego Museum of Man]

ee also

* List of fossil sites "(with link directory)"
* List of hominina (hominid) fossils "(with images)"

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