- Toba Inlet
Toba Inlet is one of the lesser, but still principal, inlets of the
British Columbia Coast . It is fourth in the series north from the49th Parallel which begins withBurrard Inlet , which is the harbour for the city of Vancouver. Between it andJervis Inlet to its west, however, there is a freshwater fjord,Powell Lake , which has been augmented by a small hydro project to supply power to the large pulp mill at Powell River, the principal town of theMalaspina Peninsula of the upperSunshine Coast .Toba Inlet is relatively short in comparison to the other major coastal inlets, being only about convert|2.5|km|mi in average width and 35 km from the mouth of the powerful (but short)
Toba River to the inlet's mouth at the junctions of Pryce Channel and Homfray Channel at the north tip ofEast Redonda Island . At the inlet's head is a village of theHomalhco (Mainland Comox ) First Nation. The inlet is located on the boundary between the Powell River Regional District and the Strathcona Regional District.History
The first non-indigeneous exploration of Toba Inlet occurred in 1792 when British and Spanish expeditions arrived in the area simultaneously. There was cooperation between the the British under
George Vancouver and the Spanish underDionisio Alcalá Galiano . From a base of operation in Desolation Sound boats were sent out to explore the region. On June 25, 1792, Vancouver proposed sending out three parties in boats. The Spanish offered to take on one of the three, this being the investigation of Toba Inlet. Caytetano Valdés left with a boat party early on June 25, and returned on June 27, having determined that the inlet was closed. He described it as being of great depth, with steep shores and high peaks around. On its east shore Valdés found a plank ("tabla" in Spanish) covered with paintings, which he described as "hieroglyphics of the natives". There were several empty villages. The Spanish encountered no inhabitants. Valdés named the inlet after the plank he found, Canal de la Tabla. The British examined the inlet just after Valdés, confirming for themselves the Spanish report. [cite book |last= Kendrick |first= John |title= The Voyage of "Sutil" and "Mexicana", 1792: The last Spanish exploration of the Northwest Coast of America |year= 1990 |publisher= The Arthur H. Clark Company |location= Spokane, Washington |isbn= 0-87062-203-X |pages= pp. 139, 141-142, 145] Vancouver kept the Spanish name, which over time changed to its present form of Toba Inlet. [BCGNIS|20001|Toba Inlet]In 1924, Albert Ostman was reputedly kidnapped by a family of Bigfoot and allegedly was held hostage for several days. He did not expose this to the public, however, until many years later, when Sasquatch sightings began to increase.Fact|date=April 2008
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