Aristogeiton (orator)

Aristogeiton (orator)

Aristogeiton (Ancient Greek: Aριστογείτων; lived 4th century BC) was an Athenian orator and adversary of Demosthenes and Dinarchus. His father, Scydimus, died in prison, as he was a debtor of the state and unable to pay: his son, Aristogeiton, who inherited the debt, was likewise imprisoned for some time. He is called a demagogue and a sycophant, and his eloquence is described as of a coarse and vehement character. [Hermogenes of Tarsus, "De Formis Oratoriis", i; Photius, "Bibliotheca", cod. 268; Plutarch, "Parallel Lives", "Phocion", [ 10] ; Quintilian, "Institutio oratoria", [*.html#10 xii. 10] ] His impudence drew upon him the surname of "the dog." He was often accused by Demosthenes and others, and defended himself in a number of orations which are lost. Among the extant speeches of Demosthenes there are two against Aristogeiton, and among those of Dinarchus there is one. the "Suda" ["Suda", [ "Aristogeiton (1)"] , [ "Aristogeiton (2)"] ] mentions seven orations of Aristogeiton, [Photius, [ cod. 265] ; Harpocration, "Lexicon of the Ten Orators", s.v. "Autokleides"] and an eighth against Phryne is mentioned by Athenaeus. [Athenaeus, "Deipnosophistae", [ xiii. 60] ] Aristogeiton died in prison. [Plutarch, "Moralia", "Sayings of kings and commanders" [ p. 188] ]




External links

*Dinarchus, " [ Against Aristogiton (Perseus Project)] "
*Demosthenes, " [ Against Aristogeiton 1 (Perseus Project)] "
*Demosthenes, " [ Against Aristogeiton 2 (Perseus Project)] "

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