Parallelizable manifold

Parallelizable manifold

In mathematics, a parallelizable manifold "M" is a smooth manifold of dimension "n" having vector fields

:"V"1, ..., "V""n",

such that at any point "P" of "M" the tangent vectors

:"V""i", "P"

provide a basis of the tangent space at "P". Equivalently, the tangent bundle is a trivial bundle, so that the associated principal bundle of linear frames has a section on "M".

A particular choice of such a basis of vector fields on "M" is called a parallelization (or an absolute parallelism) of "M".


An example with "n" = 1 is the circle: we can take "V"1 to be the unit tangent vector field, say pointing in the anti-clockwise direction. The torus of dimension "n" is also parallelizable, as can be seen by expressing it as a cartesian product of circles. For example, take "n" = 2, and construct a torus from a square of graph paper with opposite edges glued together, to get an idea of the two tangent directions at each point. More generally, any Lie group "G" is parallelizable, since a basis for the tangent space at the identity element can be moved around by the action of the translation group of "G" on "G" (any translation is a diffeomorphism and therefore these tranlations induce linear isomorphisms between tangent spaces of points in "G").

A classical problem was to determine which of the spheres "S""n" are parallelizable. The case "S"1 is the circle, which is parallelizable as has already been explained. The hairy ball theorem shows that "S"2 is not parallelizable. However "S"3 is parallelizable, since it is the Lie group SU(2). The only other parallelizable sphere is "S"7; this was proved in 1958, by Michel Kervaire, and by Raoul Bott and John Milnor, in independent work.


*The term "framed manifold" (occasionally "rigged manifold") is most usually applied to an embedded manifold with a given trivialisation of the normal bundle.

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