- Hypholoma capnoides
image_width = 220px
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Cortinariales orAgaricales
familia =Strophariaceae
genus =Hypholoma
species = "H. capnoides"
binomial = "Hypholoma capnoides"
binomial_authority = (Fr.)P. Kumm. mycomorphbox
name = Hypholoma capnoides
whichGills = adnate
capShape = convex
howEdible=edible"Hypholoma capnoides" is an edible mushroom which like its poisonous or suspect relatives "H. fasciculare" ("Sulphur Tuft") and "H. sublateritium" ("Brick Caps") grows on decaying wood, for example in tufts on old tree stumps. Anyone thinking to eat this mushroom needs to be able to distinguish it from Sulphur Tuft, which is more common in many areas. "H. capnoides" has greyish gills due to the dark color of its spores, whereas Sulphur Tuft has greenish gills. It could also perhaps be confused with the deadly "Galerina marginata" or the good edible "
Kuehneromyces mutabilis ".Description
*Cap: Up to 6cm in diameter with yellow-to-orange-brownish or matt yellow colour.
*Gills: Initially pale orangish-yellow, pale grey when mature, later darker purple/brown.
*Spore powder: Dark burgundy/brown.
*Stipe: Yellowish, somewhat rust-brown below.
*Taste: Mild (other "Hypholomas" mostly have a bitter taste).References
Mostly taken from the German page.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.