Piscis Austrinus

Piscis Austrinus

Infobox Constellation
name = Piscis austrinus
abbreviation = PsA
genitive = Piscis Austrini
symbology = the Southern Fish
RA = 22
dec= −30
areatotal = 245
arearank = 60th
numbermainstars = 7
numberbfstars = 21
numberstarsplanets = 2
numberbrightstars = 1
numbernearbystars = 3
brighteststarname = Fomalhaut (α Piscis Austrinus)
starmagnitude = 1.16
neareststarname = Lacaille 9352
stardistance = 10.74
numbermessierobjects = 0
meteorshowers = ?
bordering =Capricornus
latmax = 55
latmin = 90
month = October

Piscis Austrinus (pronEng|ˈpaɪsɪs ɒsˈtraɪnəs) or Piscis Australis (IPA|/ɒsˈtreɪlɪs/, _la. southern fish) was one of the 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, and is also one of the 88 modern constellations. Its only bright star is Fomalhaut.

Prior to the 20th century, the constellation was also known as "Piscis Notius", a name used to distinguish it from Pisces and the later introduced Piscis Volans (the flying fish).


Fomalhaut represents the mouth of the fish. It is a well known binary star, the companion being a white dwarf. Beta PsA is the only other star in the constellation to have been named, being Tien Kang (heavenly rope) in China. It is also a binary, although of two more nearly equal stars.


It is thought that originally Piscis Austrinus was the only constellation representing a fish, Pisces becoming fish only later.


* Ian Ridpath and Wil Tirion (2007). "Stars and Planets Guide", Collins, London. ISBN 978-0007251209. Princeton University Press, Princeton. ISBN 978-0691135564.

External links

* [http://www.allthesky.com/constellations/piscisaustrinus/constell.html The Deep Photographic Guide to the Constellations: Piscis Austrinus]
* [http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/piscisaustrinus.htm Star Tales – Piscis Austrinus]
* [http://piscisaustrinus.com/ Piscis Austrinus]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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