Warden Law — Pueblo y parroquia civil del Reino Unido … Wikipedia Español
warden — war·den n [Anglo French wardein gardein guardian, from warder garder to guard, protect] 1: an official charged with special supervisory duties or with the enforcement of specified laws or regulations a game warden 2: an official in charge of the… … Law dictionary
Warden Donald Morgan — Morgan is a fictional character in the book series The Dresden Files , and its TV series spin off, portrayed by Conrad Coates in the Sci Fi series. Though his given name in the novels is Donald, it has yet to be confirmed on the show. The… … Wikipedia
Law enforcement in the United Kingdom — Crime in the UK · Terrorism in the UK Topics … Wikipedia
Law of country sports (England und Wales) — Law of country sports oder law of field sports bezeichnet im Rechtssystem von England und Wales ein Rechtsgebiet, das etwa dem objektiven Jagdrecht in Kontinentaleuropa entspricht. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Konzeption und Begriff der Jagd 2 Geschichte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Warden Leo Glynn — Leo Glynn (played by Ernie Hudson) is the warden of the Oswald state correctional facility on the HBO drama Oz . Character overviewHe began working as a correctional officer (possibly Oz s first African American CO) in Oz in the early 1980s and… … Wikipedia
Law enforcement officer — A law enforcement officer (also called peace officer), in North America, is any public sector person charged with upholding the peace, mainly police officers, customs officers, correctional officers,probation officers, parole officers, auxiliary… … Wikipedia
law officer — noun an officer of the law (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑lawman, ↑peace officer • Hypernyms: ↑defender, ↑guardian, ↑protector, ↑shielder • … Useful english dictionary
procedural law — Law that prescribes the procedures and methods for enforcing rights and duties and for obtaining redress (e.g., in a suit). It is distinguished from substantive law (i.e., law that creates, defines, or regulates rights and duties). Procedural law … Universalium
North American Game Warden Museum — Coordinates: 48°59′40″N 100°04′20″W / 48.994514°N 100.072248°W / 48.994514; 100.072248 … Wikipedia