Vandzene — Sp Vándzenė Ap Vandzene L Latvija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Vandzenė — Sp Vándzenė Ap Vandzene L Latvija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Talsi District — Latvian districts| 2= 3=49,662 4=2,744 5=18.10 6= [] The Talsi District ( lv. Talsu rajons) is an administrative division of Latvia, located in the Courland region, in the country s west. It is one of the … Wikipedia
List of German exonyms for places in Latvia — This page contains a list of exonyms in German for geographical places in the current and previous territory of Latvia. The list is in alphabetical order according to the German exonyms with the Latvian endonyms to their right. A large part of… … Wikipedia
Mērsrags — The rural municipality of Mērsrags (Markgrafen) is located on the west coast of the Gulf of Riga (Latvia), beside Lake Engure and surrounded by extensive woodlands. It’s situated in northwest Latvia in wooded lowland close the sea. It is in the… … Wikipedia
Verwaltungsgliederung Lettlands — Die Verwaltungsgliederung Lettlands umfasst neun Republik Städte (lettisch republikas pilsētas) und 110 Bezirke (novadi).[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dundaga parish — (Latvian: Dundagas pagasts) is an administrative unit of the Dundaga municipality, Latvia. Villages of Dundaga parish Dundaga … Wikipedia
Administrative divisions of Latvia — Administrative divisions of Latvia, (valid 1 July 2009). According to the Administrative territorial reform of Latvia, Latvia changed its administrative divisions from two level municipalities (towns, cities, towns countryside territories and… … Wikipedia
Divisions administratives de la Lettonie — Les divisions administratives de la Lettonie ont été modifiées à compter du 1er juillet 2009 par une réforme administrative et territoriale. Cette réforme prévoit le découpage du territoire en 109 communes (en letton: novads, plur. novadi) et 9… … Wikipédia en Français