C. T. Bate

C. T. Bate

Charles Thornton Bate (1823 - April 10 1889), was mayor of Ottawa in 1884.

He was born in Cornwall, England in 1823 and grew up in St. Catharines, Ontario. He founded a large wholesale grocery business in Ottawa with his brother, Henry Newell Bate, who became the first head of the Ottawa Improvement Commission, later the National Capital Commission and who was knighted in 1910.

Mr. Bate was mayor when Ottawa became the first city in Canada to be completely lit by electricity, after nearly two years of debate (the move having been rejected as unnecessary by Ottawa's previous mayor Charles Mackintosh). President of the Ottawa Electric Street Company and the Ottawa Gas Company, Bate served on the first board of the Bank of Ottawa, which later merged with Scotiabank.

In "Ottawa, An Illustrated History", John H. Taylor wrote, "In the late nineteenth century, only merchandiser C.T. Bate appears to have had any standing in the Canadian financial community".


* [http://www.ontla.on.ca/hansard/committee_debates/37_parl/Session3/gengov/G008.htm#PARA868.com Legislative Assembly of Ontario]
*"Chain of Office: Biographical Sketches of the Early Mayors of Ottawa (1847-1948)", Dave Mullington (ISBN 1-897113-17-X)

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