

A dzo (Tibetan མཛོ་ mdzo "tso") is a male hybrid of a yak and domestic cattle. A female offspring is known as a "dzomo" or "zhom". Alternative Romanizations of the Tibetan names include zho and zo. In Mongolian it is called khainag (хайнаг). There is also the English language of yakow; a combination of the words yak and cow, though this is rarely used.

Dzomo are fertile, while dzo are sterile. As they are a product of the hybrid genetic phenomenon of heterosis (hybrid vigor), they are larger and stronger than cattle or yak. In Mongolia and Tibet, khainags are thought to be more productive than cattle or yaks in terms of both milk and meat production. [ [ Bataagiin Bynie: "Mongolia: The Country Refort (sic!) On Animal Genetic Resources", Ulaanbaatar 2002, p. 11] ] cite book |last=Tsering |first=Diki |title=Dalai Lama, My Son |year=2002 |publisher=Penguin Books |isbn=0786522607]

Dzo can be back crossed. As a result, many supposedly pure yak or pure cattle probably carry a dash of each other's genetic material, respectively. In Mongolia and Tibet, the result of a khainag crossed with either a domestic bull or yak bull is called "ortoom" (three-quarter-bred) and an "ortoom" crossed with a domestic bull or yak bull results in a "usanguzee" (one-eighth-bred). [ [ Takase Hisabumi, Kh. Tumennasan, Fertility Investigation in F1 Hybrid and Backcross Progeny of Cattle (Bos taurus) and Yak (B. gruniens) in Mongolia. : II. Little variation in gene products studied in male sterile and fertile animals, in: "Niigata journal of health and welfare" Vol.2, No.1, pp. 42-52] ]

ee also

*Bovid hybrid


External links

* [ Yakow] on a list of cows

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