Karl Daub

Karl Daub

Karl Daub (March 20, 1765 – November 22, 1836), was a German Protestant theologian.

He was born at Kassel. He studied philosophy, philology and theology at Marburg in 1786, and eventually (1795) became professor ordinarius of theology at the University of Heidelberg, where he remained until his death.

Daub was one of the leaders of a school which sought to reconcile theology and philosophy, and to bring about a speculative reconstruction of orthodox dogma. In the course of his intellectual development, he came successively under the influence of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich von Schelling and Georg Hegel, and on account of the different phases through which he passed he was called the Talleyrand of German thought. There was one great defect in his speculative theology: he ignored historical criticism. His purpose was, as Otto Pfleiderer says,

"to connect the metaphysical ideas, which had been arrived at by means of philosophical dialectic, directly with the persons and events of the Gospel narratives, thus raising these above the region of ordinary experience into that of the supernatural, and regarding the most absurd assertions as philosophically justified. Daub had become so hopelessly addicted to this perverse principle that he deduced not only Jesus as the embodiment of the philosophical idea of the union of God and man, but also Judas Iscariot as the embodiment of the idea of a rival god, or Satan."

The three stages in Daub's development are clearly marked in his writings. His "Lehrbuch der Katechetik" (1801) was written under the spell of Kant. His "Theologumena" (1806), his "Einleitung in das Studium der christi. Dogmatik" (1810), and his "Judas Ischarioth" (2 vols., 1816, 2nd ed., 1818), were all written in the spirit of Schelling, the last of them reflecting a change in Schelling himself from theosophy to positive philosophy. Daub's "Die dogmatische Theologiejetziger Zeit oder die Selbstsucht in der Wissenschaft des Glaubens" (1833), and "Vorlesungen uber die Prolegomena zur Dogmatik" (1839), are Hegelian in principle and obscure in language.



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