Milky Way's satellite galaxies
- Milky Way's satellite galaxies
The Milky Way Galaxy has several smaller galaxies gravitationally bound to it, as part of the Milky Way subgroup. This subgroup is part of the local galaxy cluster, the Local Group.
Clickable map
Milky Way's satellite galaxies (clickable map)
rect 289 219 352 251 Milky Wayrect 319 252 380 281 Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxyrect 187 81 229 113 Sextans Dwarfrect 168 273 249 318 Large Magellanic Cloudrect 229 326 288 368 Small Magellanic Cloudrect 297 376 352 407 Sculptor Dwarfrect 183 446 234 476 Fornax Dwarfrect 107 297 150 332 Carina Dwarfrect 296 107 339 144 Bootes Dwarfrect 336 180 408 196 Ursa Major IIrect 357 40 423 59 Ursa Major Irect 370 110 428 142 Ursa Minor Dwarfrect 430 119 470 154 Drwaco Dwarf
desc bottom-left
ee also
* Andromeda's satellite galaxies
* List of nearest galaxies
* Local Group
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List of Milky Way's satellite galaxies — The Milky Way Galaxy has several smaller galaxies gravitationally bound to it, as part of the Milky Way subgroup. This subgroup is part of the local galaxy cluster, the Local Group. The Milky Way s satellite galaxies include the following: Name… … Wikipedia
Andromeda's satellite galaxies — The Andromeda Galaxy has satellite galaxies just like the Milky Way Galaxy. Orbiting Andromeda (M31) are at least 14 dwarf galaxies. The brightest and largest of them all is M32 which can be seen with a backyard telescope. The second closest one… … Wikipedia
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Local Group — The Local Group is the group of galaxies that includes our galaxy, the Milky Way. The group comprises over 35 galaxies, with its gravitational center located somewhere between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. The galaxies of the Local… … Wikipedia