

name = "Lagopus"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = Willow Ptarmigan ("L. lagopus")
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Galliformes
familia = Tetraonidae
genus = " Lagopus "
genus_authority = Brisson, 1760
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Lagopus muta"
"Lagopus lagopus"
"Lagopus leucura"
"Lagopus" is a small genus of birds in the grouse family. It contains three species:

* Willow Grouse (Willow Ptarmigan in North America), "Lagopus lagopus"
* Ptarmigan (Rock Ptarmigan in North America), "Lagopus muta"
* White-tailed Ptarmigan, "Lagopus leucura"

The distinctive British form of Willow Grouse, the Red Grouse ("Lagopus lagopus scotica") has sometimes been considered a separate species, "L. scotica", but this is no longer accepted.

The three species are all specialists of cold regions. Willow Grouse is a circumpolar boreal forest species, White-tailed Ptarmigan is an North American alpine bird, and Ptarmigan breeds in both Arctic and mountain habitats across Eurasia and North America. They are sedentary species, all, with the exception of the Red Grouse, having a white winter plumage that helps them blend into the snowy background

These are hardy vegetarian birds, but insects are also taken by the developing young. In all species except for the Willow Grouse, the female takes all responsibility for nesting and caring for the chicks, as is typical with gamebirds.

The genus name "Lagopus" is derived from Ancient Greek "lagos" (λαγως), meaning "hare", + "pous" (πους), "foot", in reference to the feathered feet and toes typical of this cold-adapted group ("see also" Snowshoe Hare). The species names "muta" and "leucura" were for a long time misspelt "mutus" and "leucurus", in the erroneous belief that the ending of "Lagopus" denotes masculine gender. However, as the Ancient Greek term "λαγωπους" is of feminine gender, and the species name has to agree with that, the feminine "muta" is correct (David & Gosseiln 2002).



* (2002): The grammatical gender of avian genera. "Bull. B. O. C." 122(4): 257-282.
* (2002): "Pheasants, partidges and grouse : a guide to the pheasants, partridges, quails, grouse, guineafowl, buttonquails and sandgrouse of the world". Christopher Helm, London. ISBN 0-7136-3966-0

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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