Reformist Movement

Reformist Movement

party_name = Mouvement Reformateur
party_wikicolourid = VVD
leader = Didier Reynders
foundation = 2002
ideology = Liberalism
international = Liberal International
european = European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party
europarl = Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
colours = Blue
cartel = with MCC and FDF
flemish = Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD)
german = Party for Freedom and Progress (PFF)
names = "none"
headquarters = national secretariat
Avenue de la Toison D'Or 84-86
1060 Bruxelles
website = []

The Reformist Movement ( _fr. Mouvement Réformateur, MR) is a Belgian French-speaking liberal political party. The party is in coalition as part of the current Leterme I Government, it was also part of the governing coalition in the Walloon Region and in the Brussels-Capital Region until the 2004 regional elections. As of the 2007 general election, the MR is one of the largest Francophone political formation in Belgium.

The MR is a tightly knit alliance between three French-speaking liberal parties, the regionalist Democratic Front of Francophones (FDF) and the progressive Christian- democratic Citizens' Movement for Change (MCC), and the German-speaking liberal party, the Party for Freedom and Progress. [cite web
title=Le Mouvement Réformateur: Statuts
publisher=The Reformist Movement
] The label PRL isn't used anymore, the three other parties still use their own names.The MR is member of Liberal International and the European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party.

Though the MR's original ideology emphasized classical liberalism and free market economics, it has of late joined the general trend of Belgian liberals to social liberalism under the influence of Dirk Verhofstadt, whose brother Guy Verhofstadt led the MR's Flemish counterpart, the Flemish Liberals and Democrats (VLD).Fact|date=June 2007

2007 elections

In the 10 June 2007 general elections, the movement won 23 out of 150 seats in the Chamber of Representatives and 6 out of 40 seats in the Senate.

Notable figures

*Alain Destexhe
*Daniel Ducarme
*Antoine Duquesne
*Jean Gol
*Charles Michel
*Louis Michel
*Didier Reynders

ee also

*Liberalism in Belgium
*Contributions to liberal theory
*Liberalism worldwide
*Liberal Archive


External links

* [ Mouvement Reformateur]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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