

Shaddād , (Arabic شدّاد) was a mythical and perhaps historical king of lost Arabian city of Iram of the Pillars. Various sources suggest Shaddad was the son of Ad/Aad (عاد), the son of Utz/Uz/Aus (أوس), the son of Aram (أرام), the son of Shem (سام), the son of Noah (نوح).

His story is found in the 277th through 279th nights of the "Tales of the Arabian Nights" "(The Book of One Thousand and One Nights)".

Brothers Shadīd (شديد) and Shaddād reigned in turn over the 1,000 Adite tribes, each consisting of several thousands of men. It is said Shedad subdued all Arabia and Iraq. Many Arab writers tell of an expedition of Shaddād that caused the Canaanite migration, their settling in Syria, and the Shepherd invasion of Egypt.

According to Quran, Iram of the Pillars was a city of occult worshippers of stone idols. Shaddād defied the warnings of the prophet Hud. To punish them, God sent a drought. But the people would not repent, so they were destroyed in a large storm, from which only Hud and a few believers emerged. God smote Iram, driving it into the sands, never to be seen again.

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