Rose Ryal

Rose Ryal

Coin image box 1 double
header = James I: Rose Ryal
hbkg = #abcdef

caption_left = • IACOBVSD’. G’. MAG’. BRIT’. FRAN’. ETHIBER’. REX •, James enthroned facing, scepter in right hand, orb in left, within tressure of arches; portcullis below
caption_right =• ADNO’. FACTVMESTISTVDETESTMIRAB’. INOCVLISNRIS •, royal shield on rose.
width = 300
footer = AV Rose-ryal (13.68 g, 2h). Second coinage. London mint; im: rose. Struck 1605-1606.
position = right
margin = 0
The Rose Ryal was a very rare English gold coin issued in the reign of King James I. The coin is really a two-ryal coin worth thirty shillings and is a development of the earlier fine sovereign of Queen Elizabeth I.

The Rose Ryal, so called because the rose appearing on the reverse, was introduced during James I's second coinage (1604-1619). The design of this first issue shows on the obverse the king enthroned with a portcullis beneath his feet, surrounded by the legend IACOBUS DG MAG BRIT FRAN ET HIBER REX -- "James by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland". The reverse shows the royal arms over a rose surrounded by the legend A. DNO FACTUM EST ISTUD ET EST MIRAB IN OCULIS NRIS -- "This is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes".

During James' third coinage (1619-1625) a new-style rose ryal was issued. On the reverse is the royal shield, with the value "XXX" over the shield and the whole surrounded by roses, lions, and lis, surrounded by the legend A. DNO FACTUM EST ISTUD ET EST MIRAB IN OCULIS NRIS, while the obverse shows a redesigned version of the enthroned king with a portcullis beneath, surrounded by the legend IACOBUS DG MA BRI FR ET HI REX -- "James by the grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland". ----For other denominations, see British coinage.

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