

LeechFTP by Jan Debis was a multi-threaded freeware FTP client with a download failure recovery queue feature. The product was originally written in Delphi 3. The last release, version 1.3 build 207, was made public in April 1999. Afterwards, the project was ended and the author moved on to develop a commercial trialware FTP client called BitBeamer, with more features and browser download integration. This was also abandoned, and the author's website went offline without first notifying any customers. However, both BitBeamer and LeechFTP are still downloadable from some sites including Download.com. It is no longer possible however to register the trial version of BitBeamer and use the program after the 30 day trial period expires, even if you have a paid license for the program.

ee also

*Comparison of FTP client software

External links

[http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://linux.fh-heilbronn.de/~debis/leechftp/ Archive of LeechFTP website] , from the Wayback Machine.

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