1885 in art

1885 in art

List of years in Art


*The Crocker Art Museum is founded.




*Jules Dalou - "The Procession of Silenus"
*William Harnett - "After the Hunt", 4th version (California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco)
*Fernand Khnopff - "Portrait of the violinist Achille Lerminiaux" (Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam)
*Vincent van Gogh - "The Potato-Eaters"


*21 January - Duncan Grant, Scottish painter (d.1978).
*18 February - Henri Laurens, sculptor (d.1954).
*31 March - Pascin, painter and draftsman (d.1930).
*8 April - Norman Clyde, American mountaineer, nature photographer and naturalist (d.1972).
*12 April - Robert Delaunay, painter (d.1941).
*5 July - André Lhote, painter (d.1962).
*11 July - Roger de La Fresnaye, painter (d.1925).
*21 October - Jan Altink, Dutch painter (d.1971).

Full date unknown

*Sonia Delaunay, Ukrainian-French artist (d.1979).


* Carl Spitzweg - painter (b. 1808)

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