- Scouting in Andorra
infobox WorldScouting
name=Scouts d'Andorra|country=Andorra|Andorra is one of only six of the world's independent countries that do not haveScouting . The population is sufficiently large to sustain Scouting, but the Scout association of the tiny enclave in thePyrenees , "Scouts d'Andorra", has been dormant since the 1980s and at present there is no Scouting movement. At least one group was known to be sponsored by Collège Mare Janer. [ [http://www.esglesiacatolica.ad/fr/node/170 Collège Mare Janer | Església Catòlica d'Andorra ] ]The tiny
principality issued Scout Centenary stamps for the 2007 celebration, through both French and Spanish posts.The
Scout motto inCatalan is "Sempre a punt".The Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya, a Catalan Scouting organization, undertook a study on the possibilities for Scout groups in Andorra in summer 2007. [cite web |url=http://www.camidelsamicsdenuria.com/docs/Premsa/05_fd070701.pdf |title=S’estudia la creació d’un agrupament escolta a Andorra |publisher=
Diocese of Urgell |accessdate=2008-08-27] Activities were started in 2008 and are supervised by the European Scout Region. [cite web |url=http://www.europak-online.net/EP0708/20080613_Circular_17-E.pdf |title=Circular N°17/06.08 |publisher=WOSM-European Region |accessdate=2008-08-27]References
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