- Vascular cambium
__NOTOC__The vascular cambium is a
lateral meristem in thevascular tissue of plants. The vascular cambium is the source of both thesecondary xylem (inwards, towards the pith) and the secondaryphloem (outwards), and is located between these tissues in the stem and root. A few leaves even have a vascular cambium. [Ewers, F.W. 1982. Secondary growth in needle leaves of "Pinus longaeva" (bristlecone pine) and other conifers: Quantitative data. "American Journal of Botany" 69: 1552-1559. [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9122(198211%2F12)69%3A10%3C1552%3ASGINLO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-K] ]The vascular cambium usually consist of two types of cells:
* Fusiform initials (tall cells, ly-oriented)
* Ray initials (almost isodiametric cells - smaller and round to angular in shape)Vascular cambium is a type of
meristem - a tissue consisting of embryonic (incompletely differentiated) cells from which other (and more differentiated) plant tissues originate. Primary meristems are theapical meristem s on root tips and shoot tips. Another lateral meristem is thecork cambium , which produces cork, part of the bark.Vascular cambia are found in
dicot s andgymnosperm s but notmonocot s, which usually lack secondary growth.For successful
grafting , the vascular cambia of the stock and scion must be aligned so they can grow together.Synonyms
* Wood cambium
* Main cambium
* Bifacial cambiumReferences
See also
*Cork cambium
*Unifacial cambium External links
* Pictures of [http://botweb.uwsp.edu/anatomy/vascularcambium.htm Vascular cambium]
* [http://www.sbs.utexas.edu/mauseth/weblab/webchap3par/3.2-5.htm Detailed description - James D. Mauseth]
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