- Bernhard Windscheid
Bernhard Windscheid (
July 26 ,1817 inDüsseldorf –October 26 ,1892 ) was a Germanjurist and a member of the pandectistic school of law thought. He became famous with his essay on the legal concept of action, which sparkled a debate with Theodor Muther that is said to have initiated the studies of the processal law as we know it today.Windscheid's thesis stated that the
roman law concept of "action" could not be confused with the modern concept of action, but that it was similar to the concept of "anspruch" (pretension). Later he began studying German civil law and wrote the book "Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts"; this book was the main source of inspiration for the German Civil CodeBGB . Between 1873 and 1883, Windschied took part in the commission in charge of the redaction of the German civil code.Additionally, Windschied worked as a teacher at several universities in Germany and Switzerland, including
Basel ,
Greifswald,München ,Heidelberg , andLeipzig .Main Works
"Gesammelte Reden und Abhandlungen." Leipzig, 1904.
"Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts in drei Bänden." Mit Anmerkungen von Theodor Kipp, 9. Auflage, Leipzig 1906 (Erstauflage 1862–1870).
External links
* [http://wwwstud.uni-leipzig.de/~advokat/alt/95mai/wind.htm Leipzig University (German)]
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