Vitis californica

Vitis californica

name = "Vitis californica"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Vitis californica"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Vitales
familia = Vitaceae
genus = "Vitis"
species = "V. californica"
binomial = "Vitis californica"
binomial_authority = Benth.

"Vitis californica" (California wild grape) is a wild grape species native to most of California and southwestern Oregon.Jepson Flora: [ "Vitis californica"] ] It is a deciduous vine which can grow to over 10 m (30 feet) in length. It climbs on other plants or covers the ground with twisted, woody ropes of vine covered in green leaves. In the fall the leaves turn many shades of orange and yellow, and bunches of small and often sour but edible purple grapes hang from the vines. It is a common sight along the banks of the Sacramento River.

The California wild grape grows along streams and rivers and thrives in damp areas; however, like most other native California plants it can withstand periods of dry conditions. The grapes provide an important food source for a variety of wild animals, especially birds, and the foliage provides thick cover.

The wild grape is strong and robust, and viticulturists worldwide often use it as rootstock for their wine grapes. The interesting shape and color of the leaves and the lush, trainable vines make this species an attractive garden plant. In some areas where the plant is not native it has the capacity to become a noxious weed.

This vine is commonly used in native plant gardens where once established it thrives without summer water. The cultivar 'Roger's Red' (named for noted horticulturist Roger Raiche) turns brilliant red in fall; 'Walker Ridge' turns yellow in fall.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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