Thomas Magister

Thomas Magister

Thomas, surnamed Magister (that is "magister officiorum"), also known as a monk by the name Theodulos Monachos, a native of Thessalonica, Byzantine scholar and grammarian and confidential adviser of Andronicus II Palaeologus (1282-1328).

His chief work, Εκλογη Ονοματων και Ρηματων Αττικων, is a collection of selected Attic words and phrases, partly arranged in alphabetical order, compiled as a help to Greek composition from the works of Phrynichus, Ammonius, Herodian, and Moeris. He also wrote "scholia" on Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides (with a life), and three of the comedies of Aristophanes; the "scholia" on Pindar, attributed to him in two MSS., are now assigned to Demetrius Triclinius. His speeches and letters consist partly of declamations on the usual sophistical themes, partly dealing with contemporary historical events: an argument between the fathers of Cynegirus and Callimachus (two Athenians who fell at the Battle of Marathon) as to which had the better claim to have the funeral oration pronounced over him first; a discussion on the duties of a king and of his subjects; a defence of the Byzantine general Chandrenos addressed to the emperor; a letter on the cruelties of the Catalans and Turks in Thessaly and Macedonia; a congratulatory letter to Theodore Metochites; and a panegyric on the king of Cyprus.

ee also

*Byzantine scholars in Renaissance
*List of Macedonians (Greek)



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