1561 in literature

1561 in literature


*August 21 - Completion of the Peresopnytsia Gospels.

New books

*Gabriele Fallopius - "Observationes anatomicae"
*Sir Thomas Hoby - "The Book of the Courtier" ("Il Cortegiano") (translation)
*Julius Caesar Scaliger -"Poetices"
*John Calvin - "Institution of the Christian Religion" (English translation by Thomas Norton)

New drama

* Thomas Preston - "Cambises"


*"See 1561 in poetry"


*January 22 - Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher, scientist, and statesman (d. 1626)
*July 11 - Luís de Góngora y Argote, Spanish poet (d. 1627)
*October 27 - Mary Sidney, writer and translator (d. 1621)
*"date unknown"
**John Harington, English writer (d. 1612)


*February 26 - Jorge de Montemayor, novelist and poet (b. c. 1520)
*March 25 - Conrad Lycosthenes, humanist and encyclopedist (b. 1518)
*"date unknown"
**Marie Dentière, theologian (b. 1495)
**Claude Garamond, French publisher (b. 1480)
**Jane Seymour, writer

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