1633 in literature

1633 in literature

The year 1633 in literature involved some significant events.


*On May 21, Ben Jonson's masque "The King's Entertainment at Welbeck" is performed.
*In view of the condemnation of Galileo Galilei by the Catholic church, René Descartes abandons plans to publish "Treatise on the World", his work of the past four years.
*King Charles I of England and Queen Henrietta Maria watch the King's Men perform Shakespeare's "Richard III" on November 17 (the Queen's birthday), at St. James's Palace. Nine days later, on November 26, the King and Queen watch "The Taming of the Shrew", still at St. James's.
*Queen Henrietta's Men have a great stage hit with their revival of Marlowe's "The Jew of Malta", with Richard Perkins in the title role.

New books

*William Alabaster - "Ecce sponsus venit"
* John Donne - first edition of the collected "Poems"
*"Henry van Etten" (pseudonym for Jean Leurechon) - "Mathematical Recreations"
*Fulke Greville - "Certain Learned and Elegant Works" (containing the closet dramas "Alaham" and "Mustapha")
*John Marston - the first collection of his plays

New drama

*Anonymous - "The Costly Whore" published
*Thomas Carew - "Coelum Britanicum" (masque)
*John Fletcher & James Shirley - "The Night Walker"
*John Ford - three plays published in individual editions: "The Broken Heart;" "Love's Sacrifice;" "'Tis Pity She's a Whore"
*Thomas Goffe - "Orestes" published
*Peter Hausted - "The Rival Friends" published
**"Senile Odium" published
*Thomas Heywood - "The English Traveller"
*Ben Jonson - "The King's Entertainment at Welbeck"
*Christopher Marlowe - "The Jew of Malta" published (first quarto)
*Shackerley Marmion - "A Fine Companion" published
*Philip Massinger - "A New Way to Pay Old Debts" published
*Walter Mountfort - "The Launching of the Mary"
*Thomas Nabbes - "Covent Garden"
*William Rowley - "All's Lost by Lust" and "A Match at Midnight" published
*James Shirley -"The Gamester"
**"The Young Admiral"
**"The Bird in a Cage" performed and published
**"A Contention for Honor and Riches" published
*Arthur Wilson - "The Inconstant Lady"


*Abraham Cowley - "Poetical Blossoms"
*Phineas Fletcher - "The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man"
*George Herbert - "The Temple"


*February 23 - Samuel Pepys, diarist (died 1703)
*July 1 - Johann Heinrich Heidegger, theologian (died 1698)
*November 11 - George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax, politician and writer (died 1695)


*March 1 - George Herbert, poet (born 1593)
*August 10 - Anthony Munday, dramatist (born c.1560)

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