- 1644 in literature
The year 1644 in literature involved some significant events.
* On April 15, the second
Globe Theatre is demolished by the Puritan government to make room for new housing.
* With the London theatres closed by the Puritan regime, playwriting activity shifts tocloset drama . The 1644 publication of an anonymous satire against ArchbishopWilliam Laud , titled "Canterbury His Change of Diet", is one mark of the shift.
*The publication of "The Bloody Tenet of Persecution" marks the start of a major controversy between Roger Williams and John Cotton on religious tolerance in a Calvinist context. The controversy plays out through a series of works issued by both men in the coming years, down to Williams' "The Bloody Tenet Yet More Bloody" (1652).New books
René Descartes - "Principia Philosophiae"
*Marin Mersenne - "Cogitata physico-mathematica"
*John Milton
**"Areopagitica "
**"Of Education "
*Evangelista Torricelli - "Opera geometrica"
*Giulio Strozzi (editor) - "Le glorie della signora Anna Renzi romana" (published inVenice ; a tribute toAnna Renzi , the "first diva")
*Roger Williams - "The Bloody Tenet of Persecution"New drama
Pierre Corneille - "Le Menteur "Births
August 6 -Louise de la Vallière , mistress of KingLouis XIV of France , later the subject of a novel byAlexandre Dumas, père (died1710 ).
*October 2 -François-Timoléon de Choisy , memoirist (died1724 )
*"date unknown" -Matsuo Bashō , Japanese poet (d.1694 )Deaths
* January -
William Chillingworth , controversial religious writer (born1602 )
*September 7 - CardinalGuido Bentivoglio , historian (born1579 )
*September 8 -Francis Quarles , poet (born1592 )
*November 10 -Luís Vélez de Guevara , dramatist and novelist (born1579 )
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