1657 in literature

1657 in literature

The year 1657 in literature involved some significant events.


* Prohibition of young male actors in Japan.
* Madame de la Fayette becomes friends with Madame de Sévigné.

New books

*Edward Sexby (under the pseudonym "William Allen") - "Killing No Murder"
*Jeremy Taylor - "Discourse of the Nature, Offices and Measures of Friendship"
*Brian Walton, Bishop of Chester- "Polyglot Bible"


*Anonymous - "Lust's Dominion" published
*Richard Brome - "The Queen's Exchange" published
*Sir Aston Cockayne - "The Obstinate Lady" published
*Lodowick Carlell - "The Fool Would be a Favorite, or The Discreet Lover" published
** - "The Tragedy of Osmond the Great Turk, or the Noble Servant" published
*George Gerbier d'Ouvilly - "The False Favourite Disgraced, and the Reward of Loyalty" published
*Franciscus van den Enden - "Philedonius"
*Thomas Jordan - "Fancy's Festivals" (masque) published
*Thomas Middleton -"No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's" published
*Thomas Middleton - "Two New Plays"; first publication of "Women Beware Women" and "More Dissemblers Besides Women"

New poetry

*William Davenant - "Poems on Several Occasions"


* February 11 - Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle author (died 1757)
* November 26 - William Derham, theologian (died 1735)
* "date unknown" - John Dennis, dramatist (died 1734)


* March 7 - Hayashi Razan, philosopher (born 1583)
* August 29 - John Lilburne, political agitator and writer (born c.1614)
* "date unknown" - Richard Lovelace, poet (born 1618)
* "date unknown" - Luke Wadding, historian (born 1588)

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