1668 in literature

1668 in literature

The year 1668 in literature involved some significant events.


*Izaak Walton's "Compleat Angler" goes into its fourth edition.
*John Dryden signs a contract to produce three plays a year for the King’s Company.

New books

*Meric Casaubon - "Of Credulity and Incredulity"
*Margaret Cavendish - "Plays, Never Before Printed, Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and Excellent Princess, the Duchess of Newcastle" (closet dramas)
*Josiah Child - "Brief Observations concerning Trade and the Interest of Money"
*Jean Claude - "Réponse au livre de P. Nouet sur l'eucharistie"
*Jan Comenius - "The Way of Light"
*John Dryden - "Essay of Dramatick Poesie"
*Richard Flecknoe - "Sir William Davenant's Voyage to the Other World"
*Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen -"The Adventurous Simplex"
*Johannes Hevelius - "Cometographia"
*Peter Heylin - "Cyprianus Anglicanus"
*Henry Neville - "The Isle of Pines"
*John Wilkins - "An Essay towards a Real Character and a Philosophical Language"

New drama

*Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of Orrery - "Tryphon" performed; "Henry V" and "Mustapha" published
*Sir William Davenant - "The Man's the Master" (a translation of Paul Scarron's "Jodelet, ou le maître valet")
*John Dryden - "An Evening's Love"
*George Etherege - "She Would if She Could"
*Sir Robert Howard - "The Great Favourite or the Duke of Lerma"
*Molière -"L'Avare (The Miser)"
** - "George Dandin ou le Mari confondu"
*Sir Charles Sedley - "The Mulberry-Garden"
*Thomas Shadwell - "The Sullen Lovers"


*Abraham Cowley - "Poemata Latina" (posthumous)
*Sir John Denham - "Poems and Translations"


* May 8 - Alain-René Lesage (died 1747)
* September - Joseph Bingham, scholar (died 1723)
* November (baptised) - Thomas Woolston, deist writer (died 1731)
* November 11 - Johann Albert Fabricius (died 1736)
* December 21 - Herman Boerhaave, humanist (died 1738)


*April 7 - Sir William Davenant (born 1606)
*"date unknown" - Stephen Daye, first American printer (born 1594)

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