1678 in literature

1678 in literature

The year 1678 in literature involved some significant events.


*Thomas Otway, escaping from an unhappy love affair, obtains a commission in the army.
*Printer Joseph Moxon becomes the first tradesman to be elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society.

New books

*John Bunyan - "The Pilgrim's Progress"
*Ralph Cudworth - "The True Intellectual System of the Universe"
*Madame de la Fayette - "La Princesse de Clèves" (published anonymously)
*Sir Thomas Herbert - "Threnodia Carolina"
*Thomas Hobbes - "Decameron Physiologicum"
*Josiah King - "The Examination and Trial of Old Father Christmas Together with his Clearing by the Jury"
*"The Mowing-Devil: or, Strange News out of Hartford-Shire"
*Thomas Rymer - "The Tragedies of the Last Age Considered"

New drama

*John Banks - "The Destruction of Troy"
*Aphra Behn - "Sir Patient Fancy"
*William Chamberlain - "Wits Led by the Nose, or a Poet's Revenge" published
*John Dryden - "All for Love"
**"The Kind Keeper"
*Thomas d'Urfey - "Trick for Trick"
**"Squire Old-Sapp, or the Night Adventurers"
*Edward Howard - "The Man of Newmarket"
*John Learned - "The Counterfeits"
**"The Rambling Justice"
*Thomas Otway - "Friendship in Fashion"
*Samuel Pordage - "The Siege of Babylon"
*Edward Ravenscroft - "The English Lawyer" (adapted from George Ruggle's Latin play "Ignoramus")
**"Titus Andronicus, or the Rape of Lavinia" (adapted from Shakespeare's play)
*Thomas Shadwell - "The History of Timon of Athens the Man-Hater"
**"A True Widow"
*Nahum Tate - "Brutus of Alba"


*Anne Bradstreet - "Several Poems Compiled with Great Variety of Wit and Learning" (posthumously published)
*Samuel Butler - "Hudibras", Part 3
*Dorthe Engelbrechtsdatter - "Själens aandelige Sangoffer ("The Souls Spiritual Offering of Song")"


*January 10 - Paul Gabriel Antoine, theologian (died 1743)
*May - Anna Maria van Schurman, poet
*July - Thomas Hearne, editor of medieval manuscripts (died 1735)
*December 14 - Daniel Neal, historian (died 1743)
*"date unknown" - William Wogan, religious writer (died 1758)
*"probable" - George Farquhar, dramatist (died 1707)


*January 16 - Madeleine de Souvré, marquise de Sablé, salon hostess and writer
*May 4 - Abraham Woodhead, Catholic writer (born 1609)
*August 16 - Andrew Marvell (born 1621)
* date unknown
**Richard Flecknoe (born c.1600)
**Theophilus Gale, theologian (born 1628)
**Jean de Launoy, French historian (born 1603)
**Thomas Sherlock, theologian
**Thomas Stanley (born 1625)

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