1683 in literature

1683 in literature

The year 1683 in literature involved some significant events.


*John Locke flees to the Netherlands, under suspicion of involvement in the Rye House Plot.
*The Protestant University of Saumur is repressed by King Louis XIV of France.
*Lancelot Addison becomes Dean of Lichfield.
*Marie-Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de la Fayette, is widowed.
*Marriage of André Dacier and Anne Lefèvre.

New books

*John Dryden - "Plutarch" (one of the first biographies in the English language)
*Dr Thomas Sydenham - "Tractatus de podagra et hydrope"

New drama

*Joshua Barnes - "Landgartha, or the Amazon Queen of Denmark and Norway"
*John Crowne - "City Politiques"
*John Dryden & Nathaniel Lee - "The Duke of Guise"
*Sor Juana - "Los empeños de una casa (The Trials of a Noble House)"
*Thomas Otway - "The Atheist"
*Edward Ravenscroft - "Dame Dobson, or the Cunning Woman"


*Robert Gould - "Love Given O'er: Or a Satyr on the Inconstancy of Woman"


* April 3 - Mark Catesby, naturalist and writer (died 1749)
* December 27 - Conyers Middleton, theologian (died 1750)


*January 15 - Philip Warwick, politician and writer (born 1609)
*August 24 - John Owen, theologian (born 1616)
*December 15 - Izaak Walton, the "Compleat Angler" (born 1593)

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