1697 in literature

1697 in literature

The year 1697 in literature involved some significant events.


* George Farquhar arrives in London from Dublin.
* Thomas Corneille publishes his translation of Ovid's "Metamorphoses" into the French language.
* Daniel Defoe's "An Essay Upon Projects" suggests insurance and an income tax, among other public measures.

New books

* Mary Astell - "A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, Part II"
* Richard Blackmore - "King Arthur"
* Thomas Burnet - "Remarks upon An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding" (on John Locke)
* William Congreve - "The Birth of the Muse"
* William Dampier - "A New Voyage Round the World"
* Daniel Defoe - "An Essay Upon Projects" (econ.)
* John Dryden - "Alexander's Feast; or, The Power of Musique"
** - "The Works of Virgil"
* John Evelyn - "Numismata: A discourse of medals"
* Jane Lead - "A Fountain of Gardens"
* John Locke - "A Letter to the Right Reverend Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester"
** - "Mr Locke's Reply to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Worcester's Answer to his Letter"
** - "A Second Vindication of the REasonableness of Christianity"
* Charles Perrault - "Tales and Stories of the Past with Morals. Tales of Mother Goose (Histoires et contes du temps passé, avec des moralités. Contes de ma mère l'Oye)"
* John Phillips - "Augustus Britannicus"
* Humphrey Prideaux - "The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of Mahomet"
* John Vanbrugh - "The Relapse" (perf. 1696, pub. 1697)
* John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester - "Familiar Letters"
* William Wotton - "Reflections upon Ancient and Modern Learning" (setting off the English "quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns")

New drama

* Anonymous ("a Young Lady") - "The Unnatural Mother"
* Colley Cibber - "Woman's Wit"
* William Congreve - "The Mourning Bride"
* John Dennis - "A Plot and No Plot"
* Thomas Dilke - "The City Lady, or Folly Reclaimed"
* Thomas D'Urfey - "Cinthia and Endimion" (opera)
** - "The Intrigues at Versailles; or, A Jilt in all Humours"
* Charles Gildon - "The Roman Brides Revenge"
* Charles Hopkins - "Boadicea Queen of Britain"
* Peter Anthony Motteux - "The Novelty, or Every Act a Play"
* Mary Pix - "The Deceiver Deceiv'd"
** - "The Innocent Mistress"
* George Powell - "The Imposture Defeated, or a Trick to Cheat the Devil"
* Edward Ravenscroft - "The Italian Husband"
* Elkanah Settle - "The World in the Moon"
* John Vanbrugh - "Aesop"
** - "The Provok'd Wife"


* George Anson
* William Hogarth
*"date unknown" - Madame du Deffand, literary hostess (died 1780)


* March 1 - Francesco Redi (born 1626)
* June - John Aubrey (born 1626)
* Thomas Pope Blount

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