Sash — A sash ( ar. شاش, shash Craig, 1849, p. 620] ) is a cloth belt used to hold a robe together, and is usually tied about the waist. The Japanese equivalent of a sash, obi , serves to hold a kimono or yukata together. Decorative sashes may pass from … Wikipedia
Presidential Medal of Freedom — Awarded by … Wikipedia
Brazilian presidential inauguration — The presidencial inauguration is composed of several ceremonies that happen in the same day. It has developed throught the years but takes the current format by law in 1972. This law remains the details under consult to the President… … Wikipedia
Venezuelan presidential election, 1963 — The 1963 Venezuelan Presidential election was held due to the expiration of Rómulo Betancourt s term of office. Due to Betancourt s reforms it was the first time that a constituationally elected head of state had passed the Presidential sash on… … Wikipedia
President of Croatia — President of the Republic of Croatia Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Presidential Standard … Wikipedia
President of Mexico — President of the United Mexican States … Wikipedia
O'Higgins Pioche — In Chile, O Higgins Pioche is a piece regarded as the true symbol of presidential power that is placed in the bottom of the sash of office, is a five pointed star of about 7 cm in diameter, enameled in red . This name was given a medal O… … Wikipedia
Symbols of leadership — Leadership cadres use symbols to reinforce their position power and provide a level of differentiation. Clothing frequently articulates rank or privilege, but accessories and external entities of varying functionality may also serve to mark out… … Wikipedia
Mexican general election 2006 controversies — Mexico This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Mexico … Wikipedia
Dilma Rousseff — Her Excellency Dilma Rousseff … Wikipedia