1752 in literature

1752 in literature

The year 1752 in literature involved some significant events and new books.


* England adopts calendar reform and "loses" three weeks
* John Hill and Henry Fielding begin the Paper War of 1752-1753.
* Tobias Smollett quarrels with Henry Fielding, accusing him of plagiarism.

New Books

* George Ballard - "Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain"
* George Berkeley - "A Miscellany"
* Thomas Birch - "The Life of John Tillotson"
* Francis Blackburne - "A Serious Inquiry into the Use and Importance of External Religion"
* William Dodd - "The Beauties of Shakespeare"
* Henry Fielding as "Sir Alexander Drawcansir" - "The Covent-Garden Journal" (periodical)
* John Hawkesworth - "The Adventurer" (periodical)
* David Hume - "Political Discourses"
* William Law - "The Spirit of Love"
** - "The Way to Divine Knowledge"
* Henry St. John - "Letters on the Study and Use of History"


* Charlotte Lennox - "The Female Quixote"
* Voltaire - "Histoire du docteur Akakia et du natif de Saint-Malo"


* Moses Browne - "The Works and Rest of the Creation"
* John Byrom - "Enthusiasm"
* Richard Owen Cambridge - "A Dialogue Between a Member of Parliament and His Servant"
* Thomas Cooke - "Pythagoras"
* William Mason - "Elfrida"
* Christopher Smart - "Poems"

Newly published drama

* Samuel Foote - "Taste"


* January 3 : Johannes von Müller (died 1809)
* June 13 : Fanny Burney (died 1840)
* November 20 : Thomas Chatterton (died 1770)
* John Nash


* January 16 : Francis Blomefield, topographer (born 1705)
* Samual Croxall
* William Whiston

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